首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Fisheries >Food and feeding habits of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) from Malabar coast, Kerala

Food and feeding habits of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) from Malabar coast, Kerala

机译:喀拉拉邦马拉巴尔海岸的日本Ne(Nemipterus japonicus(Bloch))的食物和摄食习惯

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Food and feeding habits of Nemipterus japonicus from the Malabar region was studied by analysing 12164 specimens. The study showed that it is a demersal carnivore and the diet consisted of fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes and miscellaneous food items. The trophic spectrum of N. japonicus is composed of 34 food items. All size groups preferred crustaceans. Penaeid shrimps, Acetes spp. and deep sea shrimps were the dominant crustacean components observed in the diet. Anchovies, scads, lizard fishes and Lactarius lactarius were the major teleost fishes that formed the diet of N. japonicus. The species showed preference for teleost fishes as they grew. The species initially feeds on a great variety of organisms, but as it grows slowly becomes more active predator, feeding mainly on large crustaceans and fishes. Crabs and squilla were seen mostly in juveniles and pre-adult fishes. Fishes dominated the stomach during January-March and crustaceans during all other months. Feeding intensity was poor during most of the months, variations were however observed in relation to different stages of maturity.
机译:通过分析12164个标本,研究了来自马拉巴尔地区的日本线虫的食物和摄食习惯。研究表明,它是一种海底食肉动物,饮食包括鱼类,甲壳类动物,软体动物,多毛动物和其他食品。日本猪笼草的营养谱由34种食物组成。所有规模的人群都喜欢甲壳类动物。对虾,醋栗。饮食中观察到的主要成分是深海虾和深海虾。凤尾鱼,大鳞鱼,蜥蜴鱼和乳酸乳杆菌是构成日本猪笼草饮食的主要硬骨鱼。该物种随着其生长表现出对硬骨鱼类的偏好。该物种最初以各种各样的生物为食,但随着它的缓慢生长,它变得更加活跃,它们主要以大型甲壳类和鱼类为食。螃蟹和鱼大多见于幼鱼和成鱼前。 1月至3月期间,鱼类占主导地位,其余月份则占甲壳类。在大多数月份中,饲喂强度都很差,但是观察到不同成熟阶段的变化。



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