首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Fisheries >Assessment of fish health problems in freshwater aquaculture systems of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Assessment of fish health problems in freshwater aquaculture systems of Andhra Pradesh, India.


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Disease problems in carp culture systems in Andhra Pradesh and the measures taken by the farmers to combat diseases were assessed. The major health problems encountered were argulosis, oxygen deficiency, hemorrhages and ulcerated red spots, myxoboliasis, gas bubble disease, gyrodactylosis, dropsy, lerneaosis, tail rot and stunted growth in Catla catla and Labeo rohita. Argulosis has been a major cause of production loss, which occurred throughout the culture period. The use of aquadrugs was found to be either unsuccessful or partially successful. Bacteria such as Acinetobacter, Aeromonas caviae, Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas spp. and members of Enterobacteriaceae were associated with diseased fish. Multiple antibiotic resistance was seen in 67% of the bacterial flora possibly due to antibiotic pressure in carp culture systems.
机译:评估了安得拉邦鲤鱼养殖系统中的疾病问题以及农民为应对疾病所采取的措施。遇到的主要健康问题是 Catla catla 和 Labeo rohita的胃气变,缺氧,出血和溃疡性红斑,黏液性弓形虫病,气泡病,回旋肌病,水肿,松动,尾气腐烂和发育迟缓。肉芽肿是生产损失的主要原因,其发生在整个培养期间。发现使用水合药物是不成功的或部分成功的。 不动杆菌,卡氏气单胞菌,嗜水气单胞菌,假单胞菌 spp。肠杆菌科成员与患病鱼类有关。在67%的细菌菌群中发现了多种抗生素耐药性,这可能是由于鲤鱼养殖系统中的抗生素压力。



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