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Sardines of the Gulf of Mannar ecosystem - fishery and resource characteristics of major species


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Fishery, species diversity and resource characteristics of exploited sardine resources of the genera Sardinella were studied during 2000-2008. Sardines were exploited by sardine gillnets, trawls and shore seine. Annual average production for the period was 20,249 t. They formed about one fourth of the total marine fish production (77,443 t) of the region. Fishery was supported by eight species dominated by Sardinella gibbosa, followed by S. sirm, S. albella and S. longiceps. Fishery fluctuated widely with declining trend over the years mainly due to reduction in the fishing effort following destruction of traditional crafts and gears during the Tsunami in 2004. Oilsardine in the fishery registered an increasing trend with wide annual fluctuation during the period. Stock assessment studies show that the exploitation rate of major species ranged between 0.45 and 0.62, against the E-MSY value of 0.72 and 0.86. This indicated that sardine resource as a whole is under-exploited, offering considerable scope for enhancing their yield. Despite contributing a higher share to marine fish production, sardines, along with other small pelagics, play a vital ecological role in sustaining the stock and fishery of other predatory groups especially large pelagics by providing them a major share of their forage. They support 46 to 87% of the total food of pelagic predators and 14 to 29% of demersal predators.
机译:研究了2000-2008年沙丁鱼属沙丁鱼资源的渔业,物种多样性和资源特性。沙丁鱼刺网,拖网和岸上围网都利用了沙丁鱼。同期的年平均产量为20,249吨。它们约占该区域海洋鱼类总产量(77,443吨)的四分之一。渔业得到了以沙丁鱼(Sardinella gibbosa)为主的八种鱼类的支持,其次是沙门氏菌(S. sirm),沙门氏菌(S. albella)和长笛菌(S. longiceps)。多年来,渔业波动剧烈,呈下降趋势,这主要是由于2004年海啸期间传统手工艺品的销毁导致捕鱼工作量减少。在此期间,渔业中的沙丁鱼呈上升趋势,且年度波动较大。种群评估研究表明,主要物种的开发率在0.45至0.62之间,而E-MSY值为0.72至0.86。这表明沙丁鱼资源总体上未得到充分利用,为提高其产量提供了广阔的空间。尽管沙丁鱼与其他小中上层鱼类在海水鱼生产中所占份额较高,但它们通过提供主要的草料份额,在维持其他掠夺性群体,特别是大中上层鱼类的种群和渔业方面发挥着至关重要的生态作用。它们占上层捕食者食物总量的46%至87%,占下层捕食者食物总量的14%至29%。



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