首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Experimental Biology >Partial role of nitric oxide in infarct size limiting effect of quercetin and rutin against ischemia-reperfusion injury in normal and diabetic rats

Partial role of nitric oxide in infarct size limiting effect of quercetin and rutin against ischemia-reperfusion injury in normal and diabetic rats


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Reperfusion injury is remarkable clinical issue that needs to be resolved as ischemia-reperfusion is a common phenomenon encountered in numerous clinical situations. The present communication report the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in cardioprotection offered by flavonoids (rutin and quercetin) against myocardial ischemia reperfusion. Rutin produced better cardioprotection than quercetin in normal and diabetic rats. The observed cardioprotection offered with quercetin and rutin was partially abolished by prior administration of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NAME (N-nitro-L-areinine methyl ester) in both normal and diabetic rats. L-NAME abolished the cardioprotective actions of rutin more strongly than the cardioprotective actions of quercetin. However, mechanistic study with NOS inhibitor implied the possible partial role of nitric oxide in infarct size limiting effect of quercetin and rutin



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