首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Experimental Biology >Amelioration of ionizing radiation induced lipid peroxidation in mouse liver by Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf extract.

Amelioration of ionizing radiation induced lipid peroxidation in mouse liver by Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf extract.


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Protective effect of Moringa oleifera leaf extract (MoLE) against radiation-induced lipid peroxidation has been investigated. Swiss albino mice, selected from an inbred colony, were administered with MoLE (300 mg/kg body wt) for 15 days before exposing to a single dose of 5 Gy 60Co-gamma radiation. After treatments, animals were necropsied at different post irradiation intervals (days 1, 7 and 15) and hepatic lipid peroxidation and reduced glutathione (GSH) contents were estimated to observe the relative changes due to irradiation and its possible amelioration by MoLE. It was observed that, MoLE treatment restored GSH in liver and prevented radiation induced augmentation in hepatic lipid peroxidation. Phytochemical analysis showed that MoLE possess various phytochemicals such as ascorbic acid, phenolics (catechin, epicatechin, ferulic acid, ellagic acid, myricetin) etc., which may play the key role in prevention of hepatic lipid peroxidation by scavenging radiation induced free radicals.
机译:已经研究了辣木叶提取物(MoLE)对辐射诱导的脂质过氧化的保护作用。从近交群体中选出的瑞士白化病小鼠接受MoLE(300 mg / kg体重)给药15天,然后暴露于单剂量5 Gy60Co-γ射线。治疗后,在不同的照射后间隔(第1、7和15天)对动物进行尸检,并估计肝脂质过氧化和减少的谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量,以观察由于照射引起的相对变化及其可能通过MoLE改善。观察到,MoLE治疗可恢复肝脏中的GSH,并防止辐射诱导的肝脂质过氧化增加。植物化学分析表明,MoLE具有多种植物化学物质,如抗坏血酸,酚类(儿茶素,表儿茶素,阿魏酸,鞣花酸,杨梅素)等,它们可能通过清除辐射诱导的自由基而在预防肝脂质过氧化中起关键作用。



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