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Intestinal Tumorigenicity of Mice Carrying Hemizygous Pax6, Pax6~(Sey-4H)


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The genotype-phenotype relationship in mice was examined experimentally using one of the small eye mutants, Pax6~(Sey-4H), which deletes the chromosome 2 middle region, hemizygously. The genotyping indicated that the deleted region starts at a site 102.60 Mb from the centromere and has a length of 6.51 Mb, in which 12 known and 27 novel genes are located. Expecting the development of myeloid leukemia, gamma-irradiation was performed to female mutants at the age of 10 weeks. The mutants did not develop myeloid leukemia during the observation period of 18 months. Instead, they developed tumors in the alimentary tract spontaneously (56.0). The tumor latency was shortened by the radiation exposure, but the tumor incidence of the gamma-irradiated group(62.5) was as high as that of spontaneously developing tumors. Intraductal proliferation of the epithelium of the Wirsung duct was observed in the gamma-irradiated mutants (18.8). Considering the results of the Pax6~(Sey-4H) mutant together with thoseof another small eye mutant, Pax6~(Sey-3H), the anomaly and the tumorigenicity of the intestinal tract were closely related to the hemizygosity of the 3.2 Mb segment of chromosome 2, where both mutants show a common deletion.
机译:使用一种小眼突变体Pax6~(Sey-4H)对小鼠的基因型-表型关系进行实验,该突变体半合子删除了2号染色体中间区域。基因分型表明,缺失区域从距离着丝粒 102.60 Mb 的位点开始,长度为 6.51 Mb,其中有 12 个已知基因和 27 个新基因。预计会发展为髓系白血病,因此在 10 周龄时对雌性突变体进行了伽马射线照射。突变体在18个月的观察期内未发生髓系白血病。相反,他们自发地在消化道中发展了肿瘤(56.0%)。辐射暴露缩短了肿瘤潜伏期,但伽马射线照射组的肿瘤发病率(62.5%)与自发性肿瘤的肿瘤发生率一样高。在伽马射线照射的突变体中观察到Wirsung导管上皮的导管内增殖(18.8%)。从Pax6~(Sey-4H)突变体与另一个小眼突变体Pax6~(Sey-3H)的结果来看,肠道的异常和致瘤性与2号染色体3.2 Mb片段的半合度密切相关,两个突变体均表现出共同的缺失。



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