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Traditional Art: Handmade Paper


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The town of Ogawa in Saitama Prefecture is about an hour and 20 minutes by train from Ikebukuro, the main terminus in Tokyo's northern business district. Many people preferring to live away from the bustle of the city make the daily commute to Tokyo f rom Ogawa. Both Ogawa and the neighboring village of Higashi Chichibu have a long tradition of producing washi, or paper molded by hand in the Japanese style. Many different types of washi are produced in this area, of which one of the best known is Hoso kawa-shi (Hosokawa paper). The name comes from the village of Hosokawa in the old province of Kii (modern-day Wakayama Prefecture), where the paper was produced in ancient times. Demand for this paper in Edo (modern-day Tokyo) grew rapidly during the Edo period (1603-1867), and locations closer to the city started to produce it as well, Hosokawa paper was favored for its superior strength, and the Edo merchants used it for keeping their accounts. The city of Edo was very prone to fires, but even if his house and shop were lost in a fire a merchant could save his precious record of accounts by throwing it into a well; the tough Hosokawa paper would survive the soaking intact.
机译:Sa玉县小川町市距离东京北部商业区的主要终点站池袋火车约一小时二十分钟。许多人希望远离城市的喧嚣,每天从小川乘车去东京。小川和邻近的东秩父村都有悠久的传统,即生产和纸,或手工制作日式纸。该地区生产许多不同类型的Wahi,其中最著名的一种是Hoso kawa-shi(Hosokawa纸)。这个名字来自古老的纪伊(和歌山县)的细川村,那里的纸张是古代生产的。在江户时代(1603至1867年),江户(现代东京)对这种纸张的需求迅速增长,靠近城市的地方也开始生产它,细川纸因其优越的实力而受到青睐,江户商人用它来保留他们的帐户。江户市很容易起火,但是即使他的房屋和商店在起火中丢失了,商人也可以将其宝贵的账目记录扔到井里,以免发生火灾。坚韧的细川纸可以在浸泡后保持原样。



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