首页> 外文期刊>Biocontrol Science and Technology >Effect of dual inoculation with nematodes and fungal pathogens on the survival of Phyllophaga polyphylla larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

Effect of dual inoculation with nematodes and fungal pathogens on the survival of Phyllophaga polyphylla larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)


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Phyllophaga polyphylla (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is an important pest of maize and other crops in Mexico. Previous reports showed that this pest was highly resistant to fungal and nematode infection when each pathogen was inoculated separately; in this study, we evaluated whether dual inoculation of fungi and nematodes, in all possible pair-wise combinations and orders of inoculation and including an evaluation of a time separation of 73 hours between each pathogen's inoculation, would increase mortality in P. polyphylla larvae. The pathogens were two isolates of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora applied at a concentration of 50 infective juveniles (IJ) mL(-1), an isolate of Beauveria pseudobassiana and of Metarhizium pingshaense both applied at a concentration of 1 x 10(8) conidia mL(-1). In the first experiment, the combined mortality when pathogens were dualinoculated (13%), although significantly higher than single-inoculated treatments (8%), demonstrated that antagonistic interactions were ongoing between the pathogens, as confirmed by the chi(2)-test. In a separate experiment, using only the B. pseudobassiana isolate (1 x 10(8) conidia mL(-1)) and one isolate of H. bacteriophora (100 IJ mL-1), we studied the effect of different order of inoculations but included a two-week separation between inoculation of each pathogen. Mortalities obtained were similar to the previous experiment; all interactions resulted in antagonistic effects, except when the fungal pathogen was inoculated first, which resulted in an additive interaction. Understanding the mechanisms for the interaction requires further study but, for practical biological control, we suggest that more virulent fungal and nematode isolates are necessary to achieve control of P. polyphylla.
机译:Phyllophaga polyphylla(鞘翅目:Scarabaeidae)是墨西哥玉米和其他农作物的重要害虫。先前的报道表明,当分别接种每种病原体时,该害虫对真菌和线虫感染具有高度抵抗力;在这项研究中,我们评估了真菌和线虫的双重接种,是否以所有可能的成对组合和接种顺序进行,包括评估每种病原体接种之间间隔73小时的时间,是否会增加多叶青霉幼虫的死亡率。病原体是两种以50感染性少年(IJ)mL(-1)的浓度应用的细菌异形菌的分离株,一种是白僵菌(Beauveria pseudobassiana)的分离株,另一种是平顶生细菌(Metrahizium pingshaense)的浓度均以1 x 10(8)分生孢子(-)的浓度使用。 1)。在第一个实验中,病原体双重接种(13%)时的综合死亡率(虽然明显高于单次接种处理(8%))表明,病原体之间正在进行拮抗相互作用,已通过chi(2)-检验证实。在一个单独的实验中,仅使用假单胞菌分离株(1 x 10(8)分生孢子mL(-1))和一种细菌嗜血杆菌分离株(100 IJ mL-1),我们研究了不同接种顺序的影响但每种病原菌的接种间隔为两周。获得的死亡率与之前的实验相似;除首先接种真菌病原体外,所有相互作用均产生拮抗作用,从而导致加性相互作用。了解相互作用的机制需要进一步研究,但对于实际的生物学控制,我们建议需要更多有毒的真菌和线虫分离株来实现对多叶青霉的控制。



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