首页> 外文期刊>Annual Review of Physiology >Advances in comparative physiology from high-speed imaging of animal and fluid motion.

Advances in comparative physiology from high-speed imaging of animal and fluid motion.


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Since the time of Muybridge and Marey in the last half of the nineteenth century, studies of animal movement have relied on some form of high-speed or stop-action imaging to permit analysis of appendage and body motion. In the past ten years, the advent of megapixel-resolution high-speed digital imaging with maximal framing rates of 250 to 100,000 images per second has allowed new views of musculoskeletal function in comparative physiology that now extend to imaging flow around moving animals and the calculation of fluid forces produced by animals moving in fluids. In particular, the technique of digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) has revolutionized our ability to understand how moving animals generate fluid forces and propel themselves through air and water. DPIV algorithms generate a matrix of velocity vectors through the use of image cross-correlation, which can then be used to calculate the force exerted on the fluid as well as locomotor work and power. DPIV algorithms can also be applied to images of moving animals to calculate the velocity of different regions of the moving animal, providing a much more detailed picture of animal motion than can traditional digitizing methods. Although three-dimensional measurement of animal motion is now routine, in the near future model-based kinematic reconstructions and volumetric analyses of animal-generated fluid flow patterns will provide the next step in imaging animal biomechanics and physiology.
机译:自从19世纪下半叶Muybridge和Marey时代起,对动物运动的研究就依赖于某种形式的高速成像或定格成像来分析肢体和肢体的运动。在过去的十年中,以每秒最大成帧速率为250到100,000张图像的百万像素分辨率高速数字成像的出现,使比较生理学中的骨骼肌肉功能有了新的视角,现在已扩展到运动动物周围的成像流程和计算。动物在流体中运动产生的流体力的变化。特别是,数字粒子图像测速技术(DPIV)彻底改变了我们理解运动动物如何产生流体力以及如何通过空气和水推动自身的能力。 DPIV算法通过使用图像互相关来生成速度矢量矩阵,然后可以将其用于计算施加在流体上的力以及运动功和功率。 DPIV算法也可以应用于运动动物的图像,以计算运动动物不同区域的速度,从而提供比传统数字化方法更为详尽的动物运动图像。尽管现在已经开始对动物运动进行三维测量,但是在不久的将来,基于模型的运动学重建和对动物产生的流体流动模式的体积分析将为成像动物的生物力学和生理学提供下一步。



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