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Canadian scientists find way to boost vaccine production 100-fold


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Vancouver, Canada - News research shows much smaller doses of vaccines than previously thought may be needed to combat pandemics of avian flu, tuberculosis and SARS, Canadian scientists told AFP. The research by a team at the University of British Columbian in Vancouver could mean more shots will be available. The team led by Wilfred Jefferies found standard doses could be reduced 100-fold and still be safe by adding an immune system booster commonly found in the human body. The study showed that when the immune system molecule was added at low doses to vaccines and injected into mice exposed to rabies, measles and smallpox, an immune response kicked in to protect them from the infections.
机译:加拿大科学家告诉法新社,新闻研究显示,与禽流感,肺结核和SARS大流行作斗争所需的疫苗剂量比以前认为的要小得多。温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚大学的一个研究小组可能会提供更多的镜头。由威尔弗雷德·杰弗瑞斯(Wilfred Jefferies)领导的研究小组发现,通过添加人体常见的免疫系统增强剂,标准剂量可以降低100倍,并且仍然是安全的。研究表明,当将免疫系统分子低剂量添加到疫苗中并注射到暴露于狂犬病,麻疹和天花的小鼠体内时,就会产生免疫反应,以保护它们免受感染。



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