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Unusual sex roles in a highly promiscuous parrot: the greater vasa parrot Caracopsis [Coracopsis] vasa.

机译:高度混杂的鹦鹉中不寻常的性角色:大瓦萨鹦鹉鹦鹉Caracopsis [Coracopsis] vasa。

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We describe the unusual mating system of the Greater Vasa Parrot Caracopsis vasa. The dull black plumage of males and females is similar but females are significantly larger than males. Females are promiscuous and copulated with at least five different males. Copulations were either short (1-3 s) or very long (mean 35.9 min), and long copulations involved a copulatory tie facilitated by the male's enlarged cloacal protrusion. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 17 broods showed that all were of mixed paternity, and that some broods had three fathers. Males never visited nests directly, but during the incubation and chick-rearing periods females came off the nest and were fed regurgitated fruit by multiple males. Four had band-sharing coefficients that suggested they were unrelated. Males copulated with and provided food for several widely separated females simultaneously. During the chick-rearing period females defended a territory around the nest from conspecific females, developed conspicuous orange skin on the head (through feather loss), and uttered loud, complex vocalizations that we refer to as 'song' from prominent perches near the nest. Males showed none of these traits. Females with high song rates attracted more males and as a result received more food than other females. Play-back experiments in which female song rates were either increased or decreased, attracted more or fewer males respectively. We propose that female song, conspicuous head colour and territoriality have all evolved as a result of competition between females for the food provided by males. The selective pressures favouring this highly unusual breeding system in the Greater Vasa Parrot are unclear but some sort of ecological constraint, such as food availability, may be important.
机译:我们描述了大瓦萨鹦鹉鹦鹉Caracopsis vasa的异常交配系统。雄性和雌性的暗沉黑色羽毛相似,但雌性明显大于雄性。雌性杂种,至少与五种不同的雄性交配。交配时间短(1-3 s)或很长(平均35.9分钟),而长交配涉及到交配关系,这是由于男性的泄殖腔突出而促进的。 17个育雏的多基因座DNA指纹图谱显示,所有育雏都是混合父亲身份,有些育雏有三个父亲。雄性从来没有直接去过巢,但是在孵化和育雏期间,雌性从巢中移出并由多头雄性喂养反刍的水果。有四个带共享系数表明它们不相关。雄性与数个相距遥远的雌性同时交配并提供食物。在雏鸡饲养期间,雌性保卫巢穴周围的区域免受雌性特定雌性的侵害,头部形成明显的橙色皮肤(通过掉羽毛),并发出巨大而复杂的声音,我们从巢附近的突出栖息处将其称为“歌曲” 。男性没有表现出这些特征。高歌率的女性吸引了更多的男性,因此获得的食物比其他女性更多。增加或减少女性歌曲播放率的播放实验分别吸引了更多或更少的男性。我们认为,由于女性之间争夺男性提供的食物,女性歌曲,明显的头色和地域性都得到了发展。目前尚不清楚在大瓦萨鹦鹉中支持这种高度不同寻常的繁殖系统的选择性压力,但某种生态约束,例如食物供应量,可能很重要。



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