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New US Sanctions Against Russia Impact US Biofuels Companies


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The U.S. federal government has recently imposed sanctions against Russian individuals and companies in response to Russia's military action in Ukraine. These new sanctions may have adverse consequences for U.S. biofuels companies that wish to transact business in Russia or with Russian companies in various industry sectors. In March, President Obama issued three executive orders in response to Russia's military action in Ukraine. In each of these orders, the president blocked all property and interests in property located in the U.S. or in the possession or control of a U.S. company that are owned by certain Russian individuals and entities. This means that no U.S. company may transfer, export, withdraw or otherwise deal in any such blocked Russian property. The property is frozen from use by the Russian individual or entity. Each executive order prohibited any U.S. company from making any contribution or providing any funds, goods or services to or for the benefit of any of the Russian individuals or entities and from directly or indirectly receiving any contribution, funds, goods or services from such Russian individuals or entities. The individuals and entities subject to the executive orders are included in the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury Specifically Designated Nationals List.
机译:为了响应俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事行动,美国联邦政府最近对俄罗斯个人和公司实施了制裁。这些新制裁可能会对希望在俄罗斯进行交易的美国生物燃料公司或与各个行业的俄罗斯公司产生不利影响。 3月,奥巴马总统发布了三项行政命令,以回应俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事行动。在每项命令中,总统都封锁了位于美国或由某些俄罗斯个人和实体拥有的美国公司所拥有或控制的财产中的所有财产和权益。这意味着任何美国公司都不得转让,出口,撤回或以其他方式交易任何此类被冻结的俄罗斯财产。该财产被冻结,禁止俄罗斯个人或实体使用。每份行政命令均禁止任何美国公司向任何俄罗斯个人或实体作出任何贡献或提供任何资金,商品或服务,或为任何俄罗斯个人或实体的利益提供服务,并禁止直接或间接从这些俄罗斯个人收到任何捐款,资金,商品或服务或实体。受行政命令约束的个人和实体包括在美国财政部特别指定国民名单的外国资产控制办公室内。



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