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The response of the Gulf of Mexico to wind and heat flux forcing: What has been learned in recent years?


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The Loop Current and its shed eddies dominate the circulation and dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) basin. Those eddies are strongly energetic and are the cause of intense currents that may penetrate several hundred meters deep. However, there are regions in the GoM and periods of time in which the local atmospheric forcing plays an important role in its dynamics and thermodynamics. The circulation on the shelves, and particularly on the inner shelf, is mainly wind-driven with seasonality, changing direction during the year with periods of favorable upwelling/downwelling conditions. The wind-driven circulation is associated with the transport of waters with different temperature and salinity characteristics from one region to another. The interannual variability of the circulation on the shelves is linked to the atmospheric variability. Intraseasonal variability of the wind patterns considerably affects the likelihood and magnitude of upwelling and downwelling. The geometry of the GoM is such that large-scale winds may drive opposing upcoast/downcoast currents along different parts of the curving coast, resulting in convergence or divergence zones. The width of the shelves in the GoM is variable; while the West Florida Shelf, the Texas-Louisiana shelf and the Campeche Bank are more than 200 km wide, they are narrower near Veracruz and Tabasco. Another consequence of the GoM physiography and the wind forcing is the development of cross-shelf transports in the southern Bay of Campeche, the southern Texas shelf and southeast of the Mississippi river, which in turn vary during the year. During autumn-winter (from September to April), the GoM is affected by cold fronts coming from the northwest United States, which are associated with strong, dry, and cold winds that mix its waters and generate large sensible and latent heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere. These frontal passages also cool the GoM surface waters due to mixing with lower temperature subsurface waters. During summer, tropical cyclones crossing the GoM can dramatically affect circulation and coastal upwelling.
机译:环流及其旋涡控制着墨西哥湾(GoM)盆地的环流和动力学。这些涡流具有很强的能量,是可能穿透数百米深的强烈电流的原因。但是,GoM中的某些区域和时间段中,局部大气强迫在其动力学和热力学中起着重要作用。架子上,特别是内部架子上的流通主要是随季节变化的风驱动的,一年中方向不断变化,且有良好的上升/下降趋势。风循环与从一个区域到另一区域的具有不同温度和盐度特征的水的运输有关。架子上循环的年际变化与大气变化有关。风型的季节内变化极大地影响了上升和下降的可能性和幅度。 GoM的几何形状使得大风可以沿着弯曲海岸的不同部分驱动相反的上/下流,从而导致收敛或发散区域。 GoM中的架子宽度是可变的;西佛罗里达架,得克萨斯-路易斯安那架子和坎佩切河银行宽200多公里,但在韦拉克鲁斯和塔巴斯科州附近较窄。 GoM生理学和强迫风的另一个结果是,在坎佩切州南部海湾,得克萨斯州南部架子和密西西比河东南部,跨架运输的发展,这一年又有所不同。在秋冬季(9月至4月)期间,GoM受到来自美国西北部的冷锋的影响,冷锋与强风,干燥和冷风混合,使水混合并从中产生大量的感热潜热通量。海洋向大气。由于与较低温度的地下水混合,这些正面通道也冷却了GoM地表水。在夏季,穿过GoM的热带气旋会极大地影响环流和沿海上升。



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