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False-negative rate of combined mammography and ultrasound for women with palpable breast masses


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Mammography and ultrasound are often used concurrently for patients with palpable breast masses. While mammography has a false-negative rate of approximately 15 %, the addition of breast ultrasound decreases this rate among patients with palpable breast masses. There are no recent outcome data regarding the use of combined reporting of ultrasound and mammography (CRUM) for palpable breast masses. In this study, female patients presenting with a palpable breast mass were retrospectively reviewed in a prospectively entered database at a single institution from June 2010 to July 2013. All cancer cases and false-negative cases using CRUM were identified. Cancer rates, false-negative rates, and negative predictive values were calculated based on CRUM breast imaging-reporting and data system (BI-RADS) categories. One thousand two hundreds and twelve female patients presenting with a palpable breast mass were identified; 77 % of patients had CRUM and 73 % (682/932) were BI-RADS 1-2. Despite negative or benign BI-RADS, 9.5 % of patients with BI-RADS 1-2 (65/682) underwent biopsy, compared to 96 % of patients with a BI-RADS 4-5 designation. Eighty-one patients were found to have cancers; 2 had BI-RADS 1-2 imaging. The false-negative rate of CRUM was 2.4 % (2/81). Since 69 % (428/617) of BI-RADS 1-2 patients without tissue diagnosis had follow-up imaging and/or clinical exam (median: 27 months, range: 2-62 months) and none developed cancers, the cancer rate and negative predictive value of a palpable breast mass of BI-RADS 1-2 were estimated to be 0.3 % (2/682) and 99.7 %, respectively. In the modern era of combined imaging for breast masses, a patient with a low suspicion exam can be reassured with a negative CRUM report.
机译:乳房X线检查和超声检查通常同时用于有明显乳房肿块的患者。乳腺X射线摄影术的假阴性率约为15%,但在有明显乳腺肿块的患者中,增加乳房超声检查会降低这一比率。目前尚无关于可触及的乳腺肿块使用超声和乳腺X线摄影(CRUM)联合报告的结果数据。在这项研究中,从2010年6月至2013年7月在单个机构的前瞻性输入数据库中回顾性分析了出现明显乳腺肿块的女性患者。确定了所有使用CRUM的癌症病例和假阴性病例。根据CRUM乳腺成像报告和数据系统(BI-RADS)类别计算出癌症发生率,假阴性率和阴性预测值。确定了1212名女性患者,她们的乳房肿块明显。 77%的患者患有CRUM,73%(682/932)的患者为BI-RADS 1-2。尽管BI-RADS阴性或良性,但BI-RADS 1-2(65/682)的患者中有9.5%进行了活检,而BI-RADS 4-5的患者为96%。发现八十一名患者患有癌症。 2位进行了BI-RADS 1-2成像。 CRUM的假阴性率为2.4%(2/81)。由于69%(428/617)的未进行组织诊断的BI-RADS 1-2患者进行了影像学检查和/或临床检查(中位数:27个月,范围:2-62个月),且均未发生癌症,因此癌症发生率估计的BI-RADS 1-2乳腺肿块的阴性预测值和负预测值分别为0.3%(2/682)和99.7%。在乳腺肿块组合成像的现代时代,低怀疑度检查的患者可以放心地接受CRUM报告。



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