首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Robotics: The International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan >Design of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis with an adjustable stiffness toe joint

Design of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis with an adjustable stiffness toe joint


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This paper proposes a powered ankle-foot prosthesis called PANTOE II, which includes an ankle and a segmented foot with a toe joint. The ankle and toe joints are both driven by series elastic actuators, which can reduce the required velocity and energy consumption of the actuators. The mechanical design of the ankle and toe joints makes the prosthesis more compact. In addition, PANTOE II employs a more human-like foot, which includes the heel, the mid foot, and the toe. Both the heel and the toe are made of leaf springs, and the mid foot is used to install the transmission mechanisms. The finite state control strategy is used for controlling the prosthesis. To evaluate the basic performance of PANTOE II, experiments are conducted on a subject with a transtibial amputation. Wearing PANTOE II, the amputee feels more comfortable and presents more symmetrical walking gaits.
机译:本文提出了一种名为PANTOE II的电动踝足假肢,其中包括脚踝和带有脚趾关节的分段足。踝关节和脚趾关节均由串联弹性执行器驱动,可以降低执行器所需的速度和能耗。踝关节和脚趾关节的机械设计使假肢更加紧凑。此外,PANTOE II 采用了更像人类的脚,包括脚后跟、中脚和脚趾。脚后跟和脚趾均由钢板弹簧制成,中脚用于安装传动机构。有限状态控制策略用于控制假肢。为了评估PANTOE II的基本性能,对胫骨截肢的受试者进行了实验。佩戴 PANTOE II,截肢者感觉更舒适,行走步态更对称。




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