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The Szorenyi Rotary - the four chamber rotary engine

机译:Szorenyi Rotary-四室旋转发动机

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A new configuration of a rotary engine has been developed by the Rotary Engine Development Agency (REDA), based in Melbourne. The special features of the engine are that it is a rotary type with four chambers and the engine stator profile that contains the four chambers is mathematically defined. Named after its inventor, Peter Szorenyi, the engine promises to have much higher power than a Wankel engine and match the power of a reciprocating engine. The invention has been awarded a US patent (No: 6,718,938 B2) and a prototype has passed the proof-of-concept stage of development.
机译:位于墨尔本的旋转发动机开发署(REDA)已开发出一种新型的旋转发动机。发动机的特殊特征是它是具有四个腔室的旋转式发动机,包含四个腔室的发动机定子轮廓在数学上已定义。该发动机以其发明者彼得·索伦尼(Peter Szorenyi)的名字命名,有望比Wankel发动机具有更高的功率,并能与往复式发动机相媲美。该发明已获得美国专利(No. 6,718,938 B2),并且原型已通过概念验证的开发阶段。



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