首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Robotics: The International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan >Multiagent multimodal categorization for symbol emergence: emergent communication via interpersonal cross-modal inference

Multiagent multimodal categorization for symbol emergence: emergent communication via interpersonal cross-modal inference


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This paper describes a computational model of multiagent multimodal categorization that realizes emergent communication. We clarify whether the computational model can reproduce the following functions in a symbol emergence system, comprising two agents with different sensory modalities playing a naming game. (1) Function for forming a shared lexical system that comprises perceptual categories and corresponding signs, formed by agents through individual learning and semiotic communication. (2) Function to improve the categorization accuracy in an agent via semiotic communication with another agent, even when some sensory modalities of each agent are missing. (3) Function that an agent infers unobserved sensory information based on a sign sampled from another agent in the same manner as cross-modal inference. We propose an interpersonal multimodal Dirichlet mixture (Inter-MDM), which is derived by dividing an integrative probabilistic generative model, which is obtained by integrating two Dirichlet mixtures (DMs). The Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm realizes emergent communication. The experimental results demonstrated that Inter-MDM enables agents to form multimodal categories and appropriately share signs between agents. It is shown that emergent communication improves categorization accuracy, even when some sensory modalities are missing. Inter-MDM enables an agent to predict unobserved information based on a shared sign.
机译:本文描述了一种实现紧急通信的多智能体多模态分类计算模型。我们阐明了计算模型是否可以在符号涌现系统中重现以下功能,该系统由两个具有不同感官模式的智能体组成,玩命名游戏。(1)由主体通过个体学习和符号学交流形成的由知觉范畴和相应符号组成的共享词汇系统的功能。(2)通过与另一个智能体的符号学交流来提高一个智能体的分类准确性,即使每个智能体的某些感觉模式缺失。(3)一个智能体根据从另一个智能体采样的符号以与跨模态推理相同的方式推断未观察到的感觉信息的功能。我们提出了一种人际多模态狄利克雷混合(Inter-MDM),该模型是通过对两个狄利克雷混合(DM)进行整合得到的整合概率生成模型的划分得出的。马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗算法实现了涌现通信。实验结果表明,Inter-MDM使智能体能够形成多模态类别,并在智能体之间适当地共享符号。研究表明,即使缺少某些感觉模式,紧急交流也能提高分类的准确性。Inter-MDM 使代理能够根据共享符号预测未观察到的信息。




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