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Simulator sickness in a helicopter flight training school.


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INTRODUCTION: Simulator sickness (SS) is a common problem during flight training and can affect both instructor pilots (IP) and student pilots (SP). This study was conducted in response to complaints about a high incidence of SS associated with use of new simulators for rotary-wing aircraft. METHODS: The problem was evaluated using the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) to collect data on 73 IP and 129 SP who used the new simulators. Based on analysis of these data, operator comments, and a search of the literature, we recommended limiting simulator flights to 2 h, removing unusual or unnatural maneuvers, turning off the sidescreens to reduce the field-of-view, avoiding use of improperly calibrated simulators until repaired, and stressing proper rest and health discipline among the pilots. The success of these measures was evaluated 1 yr later by collecting SSQ data on 25 IP and 50 SP. RESULTS: There was a main effect of time, in that after the recommendations were implemented, there was a significant reduction in nausea, oculomotor, and total SSQ scores from the pre-study to the post-study. There was also a main effect of experience, as IP reported significantly greater SS than SP for the same scores. DISCUSSION: Implementation of the recommendations reduced SS in the new simulators at the cost of limiting session duration and shutting down some simulator features. Although the optimal solution to the SS problem lies in addressing SS during a simulator's design stage, these recommendations can be used as interim solutions to reduce SS.
机译:简介:模拟器疾病(SS)是飞行训练期间的常见问题,可能会影响教员飞行员(IP)和学生飞行员(SP)。进行这项研究是为了回应人们对与新型旋翼飞机模拟器的使用有关的SS高发的抱怨。方法:使用模拟器疾病问卷(SSQ)评估了问题,以收集使用新模拟器的73个IP和129个SP的数据。基于对这些数据的分析,操作员的评论以及对文献的搜索,我们建议将模拟器的飞行限制在2小时以内,消除异常或不自然的操纵,关闭侧屏以减小视野,避免使用未正确校准的设备直到修理好模拟器,并在飞行员中强调适当的休息和健康纪律。一年后,通过收集25 IP和50 SP的SSQ数据评估了这些措施的成功性。结果:时间的主要影响是,在实施建议后,从研究前到研究后,恶心,动眼和总SSQ得分均显着降低。经验也有一个主要影响,因为在相同分数下,IP报告的SS明显高于SP。讨论:建议的实施减少了新模拟器中的SS,但以限制会话持续时间和关闭某些模拟器功能为代价。尽管解决SS问题的最佳方法是在模拟器的设计阶段解决SS问题,但是这些建议可以用作减少SS问题的临时解决方案。



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