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Cadets' swimming and running performance with and without a combat uniform


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Introduction: The aim was to examine whether a combat uniform (CU) influences the cadet' s exercise performance in and out of the water. Methods: Fourteen male Army Officer cadets performed on 6 separate days: 1) a maximal 400-m freestyle swimming trial; 2) a 4 × 50-m all-out freestyle swimming trial with 10 s rest in between; 3) a 50-m swim obstacle course with a CU (CUS ); 4) a 50-m swim obstacle course without a CU (NUS ); 5) a 1000-m track run with a CU (CU R ); and 6) a 1000-m track run without a CU (NUR ). In each trial, performance time, oxygen uptake ( V? O 2 ), lactate concentration ([La]), and capillary oxygen saturation (Sp O 2 ) were recorded. Results: The mean performance time was 44.3±3.1 s and 33.4±1.8 s in CUS and NUS trials, respectively. Peak V? O 2 was similar in CUS , NUS , and 400 m (CUS : 59.1± 1.1 ml.kg-1.min -1 , NUS : 57.3 ± 2.1 ml.kg-1.min -1 , 400 m: 58.2±1.6 ml.kg-1.min -1 ). [La] was higher in CUS than in NUS (CUS : 10.0± 2.0 mmol.L -1 , NUS : 8.5 ± 1.8 mmol.L -1 ), but it was lower in CUS and NUS than during the 400 m and 4 × 50 m. Sp O 2 was lower ( ; 4.5%) in CUS than NUS. No differences were observed between running trials. Conclusions: The results suggest that the use of CU during swimming tasks induces high demands for energy and, thus, leads to a significant impairment of the swimming performance of the cadets. However, the influence of the CUSeems to be less crucial during dry land running performance.
机译:简介:目的是研究战斗制服(CU)是否会影响学员在水中和在水中的运动表现。方法:在6天中分别对14名陆军军官学员进行了以下训练:1)最长400米的自由泳训练; 2)一次4×50米的自由泳试验,中间进行10秒钟休息; 3)带有CU(CUS)的50米游泳障碍物航线; 4)没有CU(NUS)的50米游泳障碍物航线; 5)使用CU(CU R)运行1000米的轨道; 6)没有CU(NUR)的1000米跑道。在每个试验中,记录了运动时间,摄氧量(V 2 O 2),乳酸盐浓度(La)和毛细血管氧饱和度(Sp O 2)。结果:在CUS和NUS试验中,平均手术时间分别为44.3±3.1 s和33.4±1.8 s。 V峰? O 2在CUS,NUS和400 m中相似(CUS:59.1±1.1 ml.kg-1.min -1,NUS:57.3±2.1 ml.kg-1.min -1,400 m:58.2±1.6 ml .kg-1.min -1)。 CUS中的[La]高于NUS(CUS:10.0±2.0 mmol.L -1,NUS:8.5±1.8 mmol.L -1),但CUS和NUS中的La低于400 m和4× 50公尺。在CUS中,Sp O 2低于NUS(; 4.5%)。在运行试验之间未观察到差异。结论:结果表明,在游泳任务中使用CU会导致对能量的高需求,从而导致学员的游泳性能显着下降。但是,在旱地运行期间,CUSeems的影响不太重要。



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