首页> 外文期刊>Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. >Military parachuting injuries, associated events, and injury risk factors.

Military parachuting injuries, associated events, and injury risk factors.


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INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this investigation was to examine injury incidence, events associated with injury, and injury risk factors during parachuting in an Army airborne infantry unit. METHODS: Injury data were obtained by the investigators on the drop zone and confirmed by a physician. Operational data (potential injury risk factors) were obtained from routine reports published by the infantry unit. Weather data were obtained using a Kestrel Model 4500 pocket weather tracker. RESULTS: There were a total of 23,031 jumps resulting in 242 injured soldiers for a crude injury incidence of 10.5 per 1000 jumps. Parachute entanglement incidence was 0.5 per 1000 jumps. Where an event associated with the injury could be determined (67% of cases), these included ground impact (75%), static line problems (11%), tree landings (4%), entanglements (4%), and aircraft exits (3%). Univariate analysis showed that higher injury risk was associated with night jumps (versus day jumps), combat loads (versus unloaded jumps), higher wind speeds, higher dry bulb temperatures, higher humidity, C17 Globemaster or C130 Hercules aircrafts (compared to the other aircraft), exits through aircraft side doors (versus tailgates), and entanglements. Multivariate analysis indicated that independent risk factors for injuries included night jumps, combat loads, higher wind speeds, higher dry bulb temperatures, and entanglements. DISCUSSION: This investigation provided injury incidence, events associated with injury, and quantitative assessments of injury risk factors and their interactions during military parachuting. An appreciation of these subjects can assist medical and operational planners in further reducing the incidence of injury during airborne operations.
机译:简介:这项调查的目的是检查陆军空降步兵部队跳伞期间的伤害发生率,与伤害有关的事件以及伤害危险因素。方法:研究人员在跌落区获得伤害数据,并由医生确认。操作数据(潜在伤害危险因素)是从步兵部队发布的常规报告中获得的。使用Kestrel 4500型袖珍天气追踪器获取天气数据。结果:总共发生了23,031次跳跃,导致242名受伤的士兵,每1000次跳跃的粗伤发生率为10.5。降落伞的缠结发生率为每1000跳0.5。在可以确定与伤害相关的事件(占案例的67%)的情况下,包括地面撞击(75%),线路问题(11%),树木着陆(4%),纠缠(4%)和飞机出口(3%)。单因素分析表明,较高的伤害风险与夜跳(相对于白天的跳),战斗负荷(相对于空载的跳跃),较高的风速,较高的干球温度,较高的湿度,C17 Globemaster或C130 Hercules飞机(与其他飞机相比)相关。 ),飞机侧面门(与后挡板相对)和缠结处退出。多因素分析表明,受伤的独立危险因素包括夜跳,战斗负荷,更高的风速,更高的干球温度和纠缠。讨论:这项调查提供了伤害发生率,与伤害有关的事件,以及对军事跳伞期间伤害危险因素及其相互作用的定量评估。对这些主题的理解可以帮助医疗和操作计划人员进一步减少空中操作过程中受伤的发生率。



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