首页> 外文期刊>Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. >Assessment of occupational cosmic radiation exposure of flight attendants using questionnaire data.

Assessment of occupational cosmic radiation exposure of flight attendants using questionnaire data.


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INTRODUCTION: Female flight attendants may have a higher risk of breast and other cancers than the general population because of routine exposure to cosmic radiation. As part of a forthcoming study of breast and other cancer incidence, occupational cosmic radiation exposure of a cohort of female flight attendants was estimated. METHODS: Questionnaire data were collected from living female cohort members who were formerly employed as flight attendants with Pan American World Airways. These data included airline at which the flight attendant was employed, assigned domicile, start and end dates for employment at domicile, and number of block hours and commuter segments flown per month. Questionnaire respondents were assigned daily absorbed and effective doses using a time-weighted dose rate specific to the domicile and/or work history era combined with self-reported work history information. RESULTS: Completed work history questionnaires were received from 5898 living cohort members. Mean employment time as a flight attendant was 7.4 yr at Pan Am and 12 yr in total. Estimated mean annual effective dose from all sources of occupational cosmic radiation exposure was 2.5 +/- 1.0 mSv, with a mean career dose of 30 mSv. DISCUSSION: Annual effective doses were similar to doses assessed for other flight attendant cohorts; however, questionnaire-based cumulative doses assessed in this study were on average higher than those assessed for other flight attendant cohorts using company-based records. The difference is attributed to the inclusion of dose from work at other airlines and commuter flights, which was made possible by using questionnaire data.
机译:简介:由于常规暴露于宇宙辐射中,女性空乘人员患乳腺癌和其他癌症的风险可能比一般人群更高。作为即将进行的乳腺癌和其他癌症发病率研究的一部分,估计了一组女性空乘人员的职业宇宙射线暴露量。方法:从以前在泛美世界航空公司(Pan American World Airways)担任空乘员的在职女性队列成员中收集调查表数据。这些数据包括空姐被雇用的航空公司,指定的住所,在该住所受雇的开始和结束日期,以及每月飞行的班次和通勤段数。使用特定于住所和/或工作历史时代的时间加权剂量率,结合自我报告的工作历史信息,为问卷调查者分配每日吸收和有效剂量。结果:从5898名在世队列成员中收到了完整的工作历史问卷。空乘人员在泛美的平均雇佣时间为7.4年,总共为12年。所有职业宇宙射线暴露来源的估计平均年有效剂量为2.5 +/- 1.0 mSv,职业平均剂量为30 mSv。讨论:年度有效剂量与其他空姐队列评估的剂量相似。但是,这项研究中评估的基于问卷的累积剂量平均高于使用公司记录的其他空乘人员评估的累积剂量。差异归因于包括其他航空公司和通勤航班的工作剂量,这可以通过使用调查表数据来实现。



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