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The mermaids moreton bay


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IT's an idyllic spring morning on More-ton Bay, southern Queensland, and the clear skies make for perfect conditions for finding mermaids. Flocks of shearwaters bob on a glassy sea. Green turdes break the surface at regular intervals for noisy breathsbetween dives to graze on seagrass meadows. Pied cormorants pop up periodically, their long necks like periscopes on mini-submarines. Sleek-swimming pods of inquisitive bottlenose dolphins steer towards our boat. Photographer Darren Jew and I are not, of course, expecting to find mermaids, but instead the creatures that are believed to have sparked the legends. And soon enough a perfect ocean-going tail - shaped like a dolphin's, but at least a metre wide at its trailing edge - breaks the water. It waves briefly, Brisbane's distant skyline glistening behind it in the early light.
机译:在昆士兰州南部的莫顿湾,这是一个田园诗般的春天的早晨,晴朗的天空为寻找美人鱼提供了理想的条件。激流群在玻璃状海晃动。两次潜水之间,绿定期打断水面,在海草草地上吃草。染色cor定期弹出,它们的长脖子像微型潜水艇上的潜望镜。好奇的宽吻海豚光滑游动的吊舱转向我们的船。当然,摄影师达伦·朱(Darren Jew)和我当然不希望找到美人鱼,而是希望发现美人鱼的生物。很快,一条完美的远洋尾巴就破了水,尾巴形状像海豚,但后缘至少有一米宽。它短暂地挥舞着,布里斯班遥远的天际线在尽头闪闪发光。



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