首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Physics >A High-Precision Study of Anharmonic-Oscillator Spectra

A High-Precision Study of Anharmonic-Oscillator Spectra


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High-precision methods are developed to evaluate eigenvalues for all states |m, N> of the x~(2m) anharmonic oscillators with m from 2 to 6, for all values of the anharmonicity parameter. There are three basic steps: rescaling to introduce a length scale natural to the problem; use of fifth-order JWKB to generate an accurate starting estimate of the rescaled energy; and shifted (resolvent-based) Lanczos algorithm to sharpen the initial JWKB estimate. JWKB itself gives 33-figure accuracy for N greater than 1500 (for m=2) to 3500 (for m=6). With the JWKB starting energy, the shifted Lanczos algorithm converges to 33 figures in 3 iterations or less for all states. These methods are used in a study of the systematics of anharmonic-oscillator spectra and of the physical effects of the rescaling transformation.
机译:开发了高精度方法来评估非调和参数的所有值的x〜(2m)非调和振荡器的所有状态| m,N>的特征值,其中m从2到6。共有三个基本步骤:重新缩放以引入问题所固有的长度刻度;使用五阶JWKB生成重新换算后的能量的准确起始估算值;并转移(基于溶剂的)Lanczos算法以增强JWKB的初始估算值。对于N大于1500(对于m = 2)到3500(对于m = 6),JWKB本身给出33位数字的精度。有了JWKB起始能量,对于所有状态,经过移位的Lanczos算法在3次迭代或更短的时间内即可收敛到33个图形。这些方法用于研究非谐振荡器光谱的系统以及重标变换的物理效应。



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