首页> 外文期刊>Autonomic neuroscience: basic & clinical >Rhythmic activities of the sympatho-excitatory neurons in the medulla of rabbits: neurons controlling cutaneous vasomotion.

Rhythmic activities of the sympatho-excitatory neurons in the medulla of rabbits: neurons controlling cutaneous vasomotion.


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Spontaneous activities of the reticulospinal neurons in the reticular formation of the rostroventral medulla, of the ear sympathetic nerve (ESNA) and of the renal sympathetic nerve (RSNA) were analyzed with regard to cardiac cycle- and respiration-related rhythm in the anesthetized, vagotomized and immobilized rabbits. A reticulospinal neuron that was concurrently excited with increase in the ESNA and/or reduction of the blood flow of the ear skin by electrical stimulation of the dorsomedial hypothalamus was tentatively named as a cutaneous sympatho-excitatory neuron (Cu neuron). More than half of the Cu neurons (13/22) had a respiration-related rhythmic activity as well as the ESNA. Activity of most of the Cu neurons (19/22) was not modulated with the frequency of the heartbeat and the ESNA had little or no cardiac cycle-related activity. Simultaneous recording shows that the degree of modulation (relative power of the power spectrum of the post event time histogram at the frequency of the respiration) of activity of the Cu neurons correlated with that of the ESNA. On the other hand, most (13/18) of the barosensitive sympatho-excitatory reticulospinal neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM neurons) had both cardiac cycle- and respiration-related activity as well as the RSNA had. The Cu neurons were located at the medial sites to the location of the RVLM neurons. These results further showed that the Cu neurons controlled the cutaneous vasoconstrictor fibers and that the sympatho-excitatory neurons were located at the different sites in the ventral medulla according to their function.
机译:分析了麻醉,迷走神经切断术中与心动周期和呼吸有关的节律,分析了网状脊髓的腹膜脊髓延髓,耳交感神经(ESNA)和肾交感神经(RSNA)的网状脊髓神经元的自发活动。和固定的兔子。暂时将网状脊髓神经元通过皮下背部丘脑的电刺激同时刺激ESNA增加和/或减少耳朵皮肤的血流量而被兴奋地称为皮肤交感神经元(Cu神经元)。超过一半的Cu神经元(13/22)以及ESNA具有与呼吸有关的节律活动。大多数Cu神经元(19/22)的活动不受心跳频率的调节,并且ESNA几乎没有或没有与心动周期相关的活动。同时记录表明,铜神经元活性的调制度(事件后时间直方图功率谱的相对功率在呼吸频率上)与ESNA的活性相关。另一方面,延髓腹侧延髓(RVLM神经元)中的大多数压敏性交感兴奋网状脊髓神经元具有与心动周期和呼吸有关的活性,以及​​RSNA都有。 Cu神经元位于RVLM神经元的内侧部位。这些结果进一步表明,铜神经元控制皮肤血管收缩纤维,交感神经元根据其功能位于腹髓的不同部位。



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