首页> 外文期刊>Autonomic neuroscience: basic & clinical >Loss of nocturnal dipping of blood pressure and heart rate in obesity-induced hypertension in rabbits.

Loss of nocturnal dipping of blood pressure and heart rate in obesity-induced hypertension in rabbits.


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We have investigated in rabbits whether overfeeding and weight gain, which lead to hypertension, are associated with changes in circadian rhythm of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate, and whether the sympathetic nervous system is involved in these changes. In adult male rabbits, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were monitored by telemetry 22 h a day. Daily MAP and HR records were divided into four equal intervals and used to calculate day-night differences. After a 1-week control period, animals were switched to a high-fat (HFD) ad libitum diet for 8 weeks. HFD increased whole day MAP and HR, and rapidly abolished the normal diurnal rhythm of MAP and HR. Since HFD abolished the nocturnal dip in MAP, but had little effect on daytime values, the loss of dipping appears to account for most of the hypertension in this model of obesity. In a separate set of rabbits, alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockade (terazosin + propranolol) prevented HFD-induced hypertension and attenuated the increase in HR by more than half. Adrenergic blockade alone abolished the diurnal rhythm of MAP, chiefly by preventing daytime elevation of MAP. The addition of HFD ad libitum did not further modify daily MAP or its circadian pattern. The diurnal rhythm of HR was relatively unaffected by alpha + beta blockade alone, but was abolished after switching to HFD. In conclusion, rabbits fed an HFD ad libitum develop hypertension and tachycardia associated with a loss of the normal diurnal rhythm of MAP and HR. The hypertension appears to be sympathetically mediated.
机译:我们已经在兔子中调查了导致高血压的过度喂养和体重增加是否与血压(BP)和昼夜节律的变化有关,以及交感神经系统是否参与了这些变化。在成年雄性兔子中,每天22小时通过遥测监测平均动脉压(MAP)和心率(HR)。每日MAP和HR记录分为四个相等的时间间隔,并用于计算昼夜差异。在1周的控制期后,将动物随意转换为高脂(HFD)饮食8周。 HFD增加了全天的MAP和HR,并迅速取消了MAP和HR的正常昼夜节律。由于HFD取消了MAP中的夜间浸水,但对白天的值影响很小,因此在这种肥胖模型中,浸水的消失似乎是造成大多数高血压的原因。在另一组兔子中,α-肾上腺素能和β-肾上腺素能阻断剂(特拉唑嗪+普萘洛尔)可预防HFD诱发的高血压,并使HR的增加减半。仅通过肾上腺素能阻断就消除了MAP的昼夜节律,主要是通过防止MAP白天升高。随意添加HFD并不会进一步改变每日MAP或其昼夜节律。 HR的昼夜节律相对不受单独的α+β阻滞作用的影响,但在改用HFD后被取消。总之,随意喂食HFD的兔子会出现高血压和心动过速,并伴有正常的MAP和HR昼夜节律丧失。高血压似乎是由交感神经介导的。



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