首页> 外文期刊>Australian Journal of Zoology >Prey selection and diet overlap of native golden perch and alien redfin perch under contrasting hydrological conditions

Prey selection and diet overlap of native golden perch and alien redfin perch under contrasting hydrological conditions


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Many freshwater fishes have been introduced outside their natural range. The consequences have included the decline or extinction of native fishes, principally due to competition and predation. Redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) is a highly efficient predatory fish species that was introduced to Australia in the 1800s. It now has a broad distribution in the Murray-Darling Basin, but its impacts on native fishes are largely unstudied. It often cohabits with native golden perch (Macquaria ambigua ambigua), which is similar from a trophic ecomorphology perspective. We examine prey selection and diet overlap of adult redfin perch and golden perch under contrasting hydrological conditions in terminating lakes of the Murray-Darling Basin. Prey selection by both species varied substantially between drought and flood conditions. Diet overlap of redfin perch and golden perch was significant only during flood, and was apparently related to pelagic prey availability. There were dietary differences during drought that imply that resource partitioning occurred between the perches, possibly because competitive interactions were intensified. Conversely, the promotion of pelagic prey fishes during flooding apparently facilitated resource sharing. The findings suggest that redfin perch can directly compete with native piscivores for prey. The potential impacts on native piscivores and small-bodied fish populations warrant further experimental and field investigations.
机译:许多淡水鱼已被引入其自然范围之外。其后果包括主要由于竞争和捕食而造成的本地鱼类的减少或灭绝。红鳍鲈(Perca fluviatilis)是一种高效的掠食性鱼类,于1800年代引入澳大利亚。现在它在默里-达令盆地具有广泛的分布,但是它对本地鱼类的影响在很大程度上尚未得到研究。它通常与本地金鲈(Macquaria ambigua ambigua)同居,从营养生态形态学的角度来看,这是相似的。在水文条件不同的情况下,我们研究了默里达令盆地终止湖中成年红鳍鲈和金鲈的猎物选择和饮食重叠。两种物种在干旱和洪水条件下的猎物选择差异很大。红鳍鲈和金鲈的饮食重叠只有在洪水期间才有意义,并且显然与中上层捕食能力有关。干旱期间存在饮食差异,这表明栖息地之间发生资源分配,可能是因为竞争相互作用加剧了。相反,在洪灾期间促进远洋捕食鱼类显然促进了资源共享。研究结果表明,红鳍鲈可以直接与本地食肉动物竞争猎物。对本地食肉动物和小鱼种群的潜在影响值得进一步的实验和现场调查。



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