首页> 外文期刊>Australian Journal of Mining >AM2 - a hydroxamate flotation collector reagent for oxides and oxidised mineral systems

AM2 - a hydroxamate flotation collector reagent for oxides and oxidised mineral systems


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Ausmelt limited has developed and patented a range of alkyl hydroxamates for use as collector reagents in mineral flotations systems. The most effective reagent is potassium n-octyl hydroxamate, termed AM2, which has been manufactured in multi-tonne quantities using an environmentally friendly aqueous based reaction route. AM2 has a stabilised hydroxamate structure which results in strong and selective surface chelation during its application as a flotation reagent. It is used as a 20 percent solution in dilute potassium hydroxide as a flotation collector for oxidised base metal sulphides, precious metals (Ag, Au, PGM) plus copper metal and lithophile metal oxides. Extensive trials have shown that AM2 is synergistic with sulphide collectors and has great promise for upgrading oxidised minerals and mine tailings. As such its development represents a major advance in flotation technology.
机译:Ausmelt有限公司已经开发了一系列烷基异羟肟酸酯并申请了专利,这些烷基异羟肟酸酯可用作矿物浮选系统中的捕收剂。最有效的试剂是正辛基异羟肟酸钾,称为AM2,已使用环保的水基反应路线以多吨的量生产。 AM2具有稳定的异羟肟酸酯结构,在用作浮选剂时会导致强烈的选择性表面螯合。它以20%的稀氢氧化钾溶液形式用作浮选捕收剂,用于氧化的贱金属硫化物,贵金属(Ag,Au,PGM)以及铜金属和亲石金属氧化物。大量试验表明,AM2与硫化物捕集剂具有协同作用,并有望提高氧化矿物质和矿山尾矿的质量。因此,它的发展代表了浮选技术的重大进步。



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