首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American College of Nutrition >Acute Caffeine Intake Reduces Perceived Exertion But Not Muscle Pain during Moderate Intensity Cycling Exercise In Women with Fibromyalgia

Acute Caffeine Intake Reduces Perceived Exertion But Not Muscle Pain during Moderate Intensity Cycling Exercise In Women with Fibromyalgia


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Objective: Exacerbated perceived exertion and muscle pain responses during exercise might limit physical activity practice in fibromyalgia patients. Thus, nutritional strategies that can reduce perceived exertion and muscle pain during exercise in fibromyalgia patients would be useful. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute caffeine intake on the perceptions of exertion and muscle pain during a moderate intensity exercise in women with fibromyalgia. Method: Using a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled and crossover experimental design, eleven sedentary women diagnosed with fibromyalgia (age: 44.6 ± 10.5 years; body mass index: 28.5 ± 4.5 kg.m-2) ingested a capsule containing either caffeine (5 mg per kg of body mass) or cellulose (placebo), 60 minutes before performing a 30-minute constant-load cycling exercise, with work rate fixed at 50 of their individual peak workload attained in an incremental exercise test. Ratings of perceived leg muscle pain and perceived exertion were assessed every 5 minutes of exercise. Results: The perceived leg muscle pain was similar (F(1,10) = 1.18, p = 0.30, ?2 = 0.11) between caffeine (2.1 ± 1.2 arbitrary units) and placebo conditions (2.2 ± 0.9 arbitrary units). The perceived exertion, however, was on average 8 ± 6 lower (F(1,10) = 12.13; p = 0.006; ?2 = 0.55) during exercise in the caffeine condition (12.4 ± 1.3 arbitrary units) than in the placebo condition (13.1 ± 1.1 arbitrary units). Conclusions: These findings indicate that acute caffeine intake could be an attractive strategy to attenuate the exacerbated perceived exertion of fibromyalgia patients during moderate intensity exercise.
机译:目的:运动期间感知到的劳累和肌肉疼痛反应加剧可能会限制纤维肌痛患者的体力活动实践。因此,可以减少纤维肌痛患者运动期间感知到的劳累和肌肉疼痛的营养策略将是有用的。本研究的目的是调查急性咖啡因摄入量对纤维肌痛女性中等强度运动期间劳累和肌肉疼痛感知的影响。方法:使用随机、双盲、安慰剂对照和交叉实验设计,11 名被诊断患有纤维肌痛的久坐女性(年龄:44.6 ± 10.5 岁;体重指数:28.5 ± 4.5 kg.m-2)摄入含有咖啡因(每公斤体重 5 毫克)或纤维素(安慰剂)的胶囊,在进行 30 分钟的恒定负荷循环练习前 60 分钟,工作率固定在增量运动测试中达到的个人峰值工作量的 50%。每运动 5 分钟评估一次感知到的腿部肌肉疼痛和感知到的劳累的评级。结果:咖啡因(2.1 ± 1.2 个任意单位)和安慰剂条件(2.2 ± 0.9 个任意单位)之间的感知腿部肌肉疼痛相似 (F(1,10) = 1.18, p = 0.30, ?2 = 0.11)。然而,在咖啡因条件下(12.4 ± 1.3 个任意单位)运动期间,感知到的劳累平均比安慰剂条件下(13.1 ± 1.1 个任意单位)低 8 ± 6%(F(1,10) = 12.13;p = 0.006;?2 = 0.55)。结论:这些发现表明,急性摄入咖啡因可能是一种有吸引力的策略,可以减轻纤维肌痛患者在中等强度运动期间加剧的感知用力。




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