首页> 外文期刊>Australian Journal of Zoology >The effects of sarcoptic mange on the behaviour of wild common wombats (Vombatus ursinus)

The effects of sarcoptic mange on the behaviour of wild common wombats (Vombatus ursinus)

机译:窃man对野生普通袋熊(Vombatus ursinus)行为的影响

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Five free-living common wombats were captured, implanted with radio-transmitters, experimentally infected with 4000, 6000 or 8000 Sarcoptes scabiei var. wombati, then released and later recaptured for assessment of severity of infection, pathology and effect of sarcoptic mange on their behaviour. At the end of the study wombats were treated with ivermectin and amitraz to eradicate infection. Three wombats infected with 6000-8000 mites on their lateral surfaces developed mild sarcoptic mange within 14 weeks of infection. Two wombats infected with 4000 and 8000 mites, respectively, on lateral surfaces developed moderate sarcoptic mange within 14 weeks of infection. Free-living common wombats that were experimentally infected with S. scabiei travelled significantly further at night than wombats without mange; however, they used areas of similar size. They changed burrows for diurnal shelter as frequently as wombats without sarcoptic mange. They investigated and entered burrows during their nocturnal activities. There was no evidence of spread of infection from the five experimentally infected wombats to other wombats within the population by 18 weeks after introduction of S. scabiei.
机译:捕获了五个自由活动的普通袋熊,植入了无线电发射器,并实验性地感染了4000、6000或8000 Sarcoptes scabiei var。 wombati,然后释放,随后重新捕获以评估感染的严重程度,病理学和sar亵man对其行为的影响。研究结束时,用伊维菌素和阿米特拉治疗袋熊以消除感染。在感染的14周内,三只袋熊的侧面感染了6000-8000枚螨虫,形成了轻度的睑板man。分别在侧面感染了4000和8000螨的两个袋熊在感染后14周内发展为中度亵cop。实验上感染了斯贝氏链球菌的自由生存袋熊在夜间比没有than蝇的袋熊走得更远。但是,他们使用了类似面积的区域。他们像没有袋鼠cop的袋熊一样频繁地将洞穴改作日间庇护所。他们在夜间活动期间调查并进入了洞穴。在引入S. scabiei后18周,没有证据表明感染从五个实验感染的袋熊传播到种群内的其他袋熊。



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