首页> 外文期刊>Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology >A randomised controlled trial comparing birthing centre care with delivery suite care in Adelaide, Australia.

A randomised controlled trial comparing birthing centre care with delivery suite care in Adelaide, Australia.


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Birthing centre care offers women with a low risk of complication in pregnancy an alternative to conventional care for the birthing of their baby. It is important these two forms of care are appropriately assessed. A randomised controlled trial comparing the newly opened birthing centre with the established conventional delivery suite was conducted at the then Queen Victoria Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia. The outcomes measured included maternal satisfaction, costs and clinical outcomes both for mother and baby which related to the need for Caesarean section, episiotomy or tear rate and method of feeding. Two hundred and one women attending the hospital's antenatal clinic were randomly allocated to either birthing centre or delivery suite care. One hundred women were allocated to the birthing centre. No differences were found in either group related to clinical outcomes or costs. The only difference in maternal satisfaction was the choice women made for their next birth. More women in the birthing centre group felt they were encouraged to breastfeed immediately after birth. While the numbers in this study were too small to detect any but large differences in outcome, birthing centre care should remain an option for women and further studies undertaken with larger numbers.
机译:分娩中心护理为妊娠并发症风险低的妇女提供了传统的婴儿分娩护理方法。正确评估这两种护理形式非常重要。在当时位于南澳大利亚州阿德莱德的维多利亚女王医院进行了一项随机对照试验,将新开设的分娩中心与已建立的常规分娩套件进行了比较。所测得的结局包括产妇满意度,母婴费用和临床结局,这与剖腹产的需要,会阴切开或撕裂率以及喂养方法有关。 211名到医院产前诊所就诊的妇女被随机分配到分娩中心或分娩室护理。一百名妇女被分配到分娩中心。两组均未发现与临床结果或费用相关的差异。孕产妇满意度的唯一区别是妇女对下胎的选择。分娩中心组中的更多妇女感到鼓励她们在出生后立即进行母乳喂养。尽管这项研究的数字太小,无法检测到任何巨大的结果差异,但分娩中心护理仍应是妇女的选择,而更多的研究应继续进行。



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