首页> 外文期刊>Brain: A journal of neurology >'War and Mental Health: shell shock, battle exhaustion and PTSD'

'War and Mental Health: shell shock, battle exhaustion and PTSD'


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Although much has been written about the effect of war on soldiers who are essentially sane, those who were driven mad by the experience have been neglected. Peter Barham has addressed this issue in a scrupulous and heartfelt study. He has researched the lives of soldiers who became psychotic during World War I, exploring how they were handled first by military medical authorities and later when absorbed within the traditional asylum system or discharged to the care of the Ministry of Pensions. Whilst politicians and the press highlighted the case of the shell-shocked veteran, who as a result of administrative failures found himself stigmatized as a lunatic, soldiers who were psychotic and remained in institutional care were largely forgotten by society and by scholars subsequently. Evidence about these service patients is scattered and difficult to find. Barham has carefully pieced together accounts from a wide range of sources and produced a compelling account of how both doctors and government bodies treated such veterans.
机译:尽管关于战争对本质上是理智的士兵的影响已写了很多文章,但那些因经验而生气的人却被忽略了。彼得·巴汉姆(Peter Barham)在认真而认真的研究中解决了这个问题。他研究了在第一次世界大战期间变得精神病的士兵的生活,探索如何首先由军事医疗机构处理,然后再吸收到传统的庇护系统中或送交养恤金部照顾。尽管政客和媒体强调了遭受炮轰冲击的退伍军人的情况,但由于行政失误,他发现自己被贴上了疯子的烙印,而精神病且仍在机构照料​​中的士兵在很大程度上被社会和学者所遗忘。关于这些服务患者的证据分散且难以找到。巴尔汉姆(Barham)精心整理了各种来源的账目,并对医生和政府机构如何对待此类退伍军人做了令人信服的说明。



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