首页> 外文期刊>Australian journal of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. >Measuring Practitoner Opinion on Adverse Reactions to Acupuncture

Measuring Practitoner Opinion on Adverse Reactions to Acupuncture


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Background: The terminology associated with the categorisation and reporting of adverse reactions to acupuncture (ARA) does not necessarily fit well with other universal adverse reaction reporting systems. Evaluation of practitioners' interpretation of ARA concepts and associated terminology is needed to ensure high quality reporting. This study reports the survey of acupuncture practitioners' opinion regarding ARA terminology, using a custom- designed Adverse Reactions to Acupuncture Questionnaire (ARAQ). The questionnaire was administered on two separate occasions to examine the consistency of question response in the context of usual clinical practice over time. Method: Twelve female acupuncturists (11 physiotherapists and one general practitioner), mean age 46.83 (+ -8.3) years completed the initial and follow-up ARAQ administered eight months apart. Analysis: Incra-rarer agreement analysis was performed using intra-class coefficients (ICCs) for the visual analogue scales (VASs) and linear weighted Cohen's K coefficients for the ranked questions. A systematic decision rule process analysed the repeated responses for the word categorisation task. Results: A statistical level of intra-rater agreement (P < 0.05) was achieved in 77% of the VAS questions (0.76-0.88) on repeated administration of the ARAQ. In the word categorisation task, 41% of acupuncture-related symptoms attained entry to identical adverse event domains on repeated responses. Whilst overall hierarchical weighting of preference responses were predominantly unchanged for the ranking questions the majority of kappa coefficients for individual ranking tasks were low. Conclusion: The levels of practitioner intra-rater agreement in the VAS questions and word categorisation task relating to ARA performed most consistently over time. It is suggested that the styles of questions be carefully considered in future questionnaire development of this nature. The variation in agreement may be as a result of th...
机译:背景:与针灸不良反应的分类和报告(ARA)相关的术语不一定与其他普遍的不良反应报告系统相吻合。需要评估从业者对ARA概念和相关术语的解释,以确保高质量的报告。本研究使用定制设计的“针灸问卷不良反应”(ARAQ)报告了针灸从业者对ARA术语的意见调查。问卷在两个不同的场合进行管理,以检查一段时间内在常规临床实践中问题回答的一致性。方法:十二名女性针灸师(11名物理治疗师和一名全科医生),平均年龄46.83(+ -8.3)岁,完成了初始和后续ARAQ,间隔了八个月。分析:使用视觉模拟量表(VAS)的类内系数(ICC)和排名问题的线性加权Cohen's K系数进行Incra-rarer一致性分析。一个系统的决策规则过程分析了单词分类任务的重复响应。结果:重复给予ARAQ后,有77%的VAS问题(0.76-0.88)达到了评分内一致性的统计水平(P <0.05)。在单词分类任务中,有41%的针灸相关症状在重复回答后进入了相同的不良事件域。虽然对于排名问题,偏好响应的总体层次加权基本上没有变化,但是对于各个排名任务,大多数kappa系数都很低。结论:随着时间的推移,在与ARA相关的VAS问题和单词分类任务中,从业者内部评分者的同意水平最高。建议在这种性质的未来调查表开发中应仔细考虑问题的样式。协议的差异可能是由于...



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