首页> 外文期刊>Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Monitoring of insecticide sensitivity change in different developmental stages of the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (genn.)to certain insecticides

Monitoring of insecticide sensitivity change in different developmental stages of the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (genn.)to certain insecticides


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Efficiency of six insecticides (three organophosphated, two carbamates, and one synthetic pyrethroid) to different developmental stages of susceptible (S-) and field (F-) strains of the aleyrodid cotton pest, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.), was determined in the laboratory using leafdip technique. Based on the LC_50 values, the egg stage, within the same strain, seemed to be less sensitive for the most insecticides tested, comparing with pupal and adult sages. Concerning the anticholinesterase insecticides tested, pirimiphos-methyl and profenofos were the most potent, furathiocarb and pirimicarb occupied a moderate position, while malathion was the less potent, against egg, pupal and adult stages of S- and f-strains. Cypermethrin (synthetic pyrethroid) was the less effective compound against egg stage, but ranked the second potent compound against adult stage of S- and F-strains. Slope values for all the insecticides tested against the three stages of both strains of B. tabaci were low. Generally, egg stage of F-strain was still sensitive toward all insecticide tested (RR ranging from 0.83 to 1.25), whereas, pupal and adult stages exhibited a low level of tolerance (RR ranging from 3.50 to 5.00; from 1.67 to 5.00, for pupal and adult sages, respectively). The results were discussed in relation to monitoring insecticide tolerance in the aleyrodid, and provide information about the implication of B.tabaci tolerance.
机译:确定了六种杀虫剂(三种有机磷酸酯,两种氨基甲酸酯和一种合成拟除虫菊酯)对回旋线虫棉田间害虫Bemisia tabaci(Genn。)易感性(S-)和田间(F-)菌株不同发育阶段的效率。实验室使用Leafdip技术。根据LC_50值,与p和成年鼠尾草相比,同一品系内的卵期对于大多数测试的杀虫剂似乎不太敏感。关于所测试的抗胆碱酯酶杀虫剂,甲基吡咯磷和丙种磷最有效,呋喃硫威和吡虫威的位置中等,而马拉硫磷对卵,幼虫和成年阶段的S和f菌株的效力较低。氯氰菊酯(合成拟除虫菊酯)是抗卵期效果较差的化合物,但在抗S和F株成年期方面排在第二位。针对两种烟曲霉菌株三个阶段测试的所有杀虫剂的斜率值均较低。通常,F品系的卵期对所有测试的杀虫剂仍然敏感(RR在0.83至1.25范围内),而stages和成虫阶段对卵的耐受性较低(RR在3.50至5.00之间;从1.67至5.00范围内)。 up和成年鼠尾草)。讨论了有关监测环线虫杀虫剂耐受性的结果,并提供了有关B.tabaci耐受性含义的信息。



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