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Gasoline sales buoy US demand


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Total products deliveries in the US and the five largest European consuming countries were just 0.5pc, or 150,000 b/d, higher in the first quarter than a year earlier. Total demand was just over 20mn b/d in the US last month, the highest in eight years and up by 1mn b/d compared with a year earlier, preliminary data from EIA weekly reports indicate. Strong demand for gasoline, jet fuel, fuel oil and other products - which include industrial fuels, such as petroleum coke and petrochemicals feedstocks - is propelling US demand growth. And the April data indicate a small year-on-year rise in distillate sales, the first since September. Distillate demand in January-February was 11pc lower than a year earlier, depressed by muted heating oil consumption because of mild winter weather, and by weak industrial sector demand for diesel.
机译:第一季度美国和五个欧洲最大消费国的产品交付总量仅比去年同期高0.5%,即15万桶/天。 EIA周报的初步数据显示,上个月美国总需求略高于2000万桶/日,是八年来的最高水平,与去年同期相比增加了100万桶/日。对汽油,喷气燃料,燃料油和其他产品(包括工业燃料,如石油焦和石化原料)的强劲需求推动了美国需求的增长。而4月份的数据表明,馏出油销售量同比小幅增长,​​这是9月以来的首次。 1月至2月的馏分油需求比去年同期减少11%,这归因于冬季气候温和导致取暖油消费减少以及工业部门对柴油的需求疲软。



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