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Gazprom plans Nord Stream gas release


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Gazprom could sell more gas at European hubs later this year, which the company hopes will allow it to use more of the Nord Stream pipeline’s capacity. The Russian firm is prepared to “release” up to 3bn m3/yr through the 55bn m3/yr Nord Stream line this September, chief executive Alexei Miller said this week. The gas would be sold either at Greifswald, where Nord Stream comes ashore in Germany, or — for an extra payment — at Germany’s Gaspool hub, Miller said. The firm plans to publish more detailed information next month. Gazprom hopes the gas release will allow it to use more of Nord Stream’s capacity. It is restricted to using 50pc of capacity on Opal — one of Nord Stream’s two onshore continuations — under the EU’s third-party access (TPA) rules. This effectively restricts it to using about 75pc of Nord Stream capacity.
机译:俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司可能会在今年晚些时候在欧洲枢纽销售更多的天然气,该公司希望这将使它能够利用Nord Stream管道更多的产能。首席执行官阿列克谢·米勒(Alexei Miller)本周表示,这家俄罗斯公司准备今年9月通过每年550亿立方米的Nord Stream生产线“释放”高达30亿立方米的天然气。米勒说,天然气将在北溪在德国的格赖夫斯瓦尔德(Greifswald)出售,或者在德国的加斯浦集散中心(需额外付费)出售。该公司计划在下个月发布更详细的信息。俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司希望释放的天然气将使它能够利用Nord Stream的更多产能。根据欧盟的第三方访问(TPA)规则,它只能在Opal上使用50%的容量,这是Nord Stream在陆地上的两个延续之一。这实际上限制了它使用大约75pc的Nord Stream容量。



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