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Market getting uglier; Chinese face Catch-22


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As one trader put it, 4Q is usually ugly for sellers in the phosphates market, only this time it is more so. Chinese producers in particular face a major dilemma. Domestic market conditions are lacklustre and international cfr DAP prices are edging down in key export regions. Added to this there is uncertainty over the 2017 export tax policy. A total removal would theoretically benefit producers by around $15/t but in reality this is more likely to encourage traders to short sell against whatever residual demand exists in India and Pakistan and push fob levels lower. At the same time Chinese producers face significantly rising raw material costs, particularly in the sulphur market which is running higher counter-intuitively to a DAP market in the doldrums.
机译:正如一位贸易商所说,在磷酸盐市场上,第四季度通常对卖方来说是丑陋的,只是这次更是如此。尤其是中国生产商面临着重大的困境。国内市场状况不佳,主要出口地区的国际CFR DAP价格正在小幅下降。此外,2017年出口税政策还存在不确定性。从理论上讲,总清除量将使生产商获利约$ 15 / t,但实际上,这更有可能鼓励贸易商对印度和巴基斯坦存在的任何剩余需求进行卖空,并将离岸价降低。同时,中国生产商面临着原材料成本的大幅上涨,特别是在硫磺市场中,与低迷的DAP市场相比,硫磺市场的运行与直觉相反。



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