首页> 外文期刊>Brain: A journal of neurology >Chronic, controlled GDNF infusion promotes structural and functional recovery in advanced parkinsonian monkeys.

Chronic, controlled GDNF infusion promotes structural and functional recovery in advanced parkinsonian monkeys.


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The powerful trophic effects that glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) exerts on midbrain dopamine neurones suggest its use in treating Parkinson's disease. However, some important questions remain about the possible therapeutic applications of GDNF. Here we demonstrate that the chronic infusion of 5 or 15 micro g/day GDNF into the lateral ventricle or the striatum, using programmable pumps, promotes restoration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system and significantly improves motor functions in rhesus monkeys with neural deficits modelling the terminal stages of Parkinson's disease. The functional improvements were associated with pronounced upregulation and regeneration of nigral dopamine neurones and their processes innervating the striatum. When compared with vehicle recipients, these functional improvements were associated with (i) >30% bilateral increase in nigral dopamine neurone cell size; (ii) >20% bilateral increase in the number of nigral cells expressing the dopamine marker tyrosine hydroxylase; (iii) >70 and >50% bilateral increase in dopamine metabolite levels in the striatum and the pallidum, respectively; (iv) 233 and 155% increase in dopamine levels in the periventricular striatal region and the globus pallidus, respectively, on the lesioned side; and (v) a five-fold increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive fibre density in the periventricular striatal region on the lesioned side. In addition, chronic GDNF treatment did not induce the side-effects generally associated with chronic administration of levodopa, the most widely used treatment for Parkinson's disease. Thus, the results suggest that the prolonged and controlled delivery of GDNF into the brain could be used to intervene in long-term neurodegenerative disease processes like Parkinson's disease. Additional studies are required to determine the potential differences between chronic, intraventricular and intraputamenal (or intranigral) delivery of GDNF to maximize the efficacy of infusion treatments.
机译:胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(GDNF)对中脑多巴胺神经元产生的强大营养作用表明其可用于治疗帕金森氏病。然而,关于GDNF的可能的治疗应用,仍然存在一些重要的问题。在这里,我们证明了使用可编程泵将5或15微克/天的GDNF慢性输注到侧脑室或纹状体中,可促进黑纹状体多巴胺能系统的恢复,并显着改善恒河猴的运动功能,并在神经末梢建模末梢神经帕金森氏病。功能改善与黑色素多巴胺神经元的明显上调和再生及其支配纹状体的过程有关。与接受载体的人相比,这些功能改善与(i)双边多巴胺神经元细胞大小> 30%的双边增加有关; (ii)表达多巴胺标记酪氨酸羟化酶的黑质细胞数量双侧增加> 20%; (iii)纹状体和苍白质中多巴胺代谢物的双边浓度分别增加> 70%和> 50%; (iv)在患侧的脑室纹状体区域和苍白球分别使多巴胺水平增加了233%和155%; (v)病变侧脑室纹状体区域酪氨酸羟化酶阳性纤维密度增加了五倍。另外,慢性GDNF治疗没有引起通常与长期使用左旋多巴相关的副作用,左旋多巴是帕金森氏病最广泛使用的治疗方法。因此,这些结果表明,GDNF长期受控地输送到大脑中可用于干预帕金森氏病等长期的神经退行性疾病过程。需要进一步的研究以确定GDNF的慢性,心室内和腹腔内(或颅内)递送之间的潜在差异,以最大程度地提高输注治疗的效率。



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