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Diffusion of cosmic rays in a multiphase interstellar medium swept-up by a supernova remnant blast wave


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Supernova remnants (SNRs) are one of the most energetic astrophysical events and are thought to be the dominant source of Galactic cosmic rays (CRs). A recent report on observations from the Fermi satellite has shown a signature of pion decay in the gamma-ray spectra of SNRs. This provides strong evidence that high-energy protons are accelerated in SNRs. The actual gamma-ray emission from pion decay should depend on the diffusion of CRs in the interstellar medium. In order to quantitatively analyse the diffusion of high-energy CRs from acceleration sites, we have performed test particle numerical simulations of CR protons using a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation of an interstellar medium swept-up by a blast wave. We analyse the diffusion of CRs at a length scale of order a few pc in our simulated SNR, and find the diffusion of CRs is precisely described by a Bohm diffusion, which is required for efficient acceleration at least for particles with energies above 30 TeV for a realistic interstellar medium. Although we find the possibility of a superdiffusive process (travel distance alpha t(0.75)) in our simulations, its effect on CR diffusion at the length scale of the turbulence in the SNR is limited. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:超新星遗迹(SNR)是最活跃的天体物理学事件之一,被认为是银河系宇宙射线(CR)的主要来源。关于费米卫星的观测的最新报告显示,在SNR的伽马射线谱中有小子衰变的特征。这提供了有力的证据,证明高能质子的SNR加快了。 pion衰减产生的实际伽马射线发射应取决于星际介质中CR的扩散。为了定量分析高能CR从加速点的扩散,我们使用了爆炸波扫过的星际介质的三维磁流体动力学(MHD)模拟,对CR质子进行了测试粒子数值模拟。我们在模拟SNR中以几pc数量级的长度尺度分析了CR的扩散,发现CR的扩散由Bohm扩散精确描述,这至少对于能量高于30 TeV的粒子有效加速是必需的。现实的星际媒介。尽管我们在模拟中发现了超扩散过程的可能性(行进距离αt(0.75)),但在SNR湍流的长度尺度上,它对CR扩散的影响是有限的。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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