首页> 外文期刊>Astrophysics and space science >Periodic orbits and bifurcations in the Sitnikov four-body problem when all primaries are oblate

Periodic orbits and bifurcations in the Sitnikov four-body problem when all primaries are oblate


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We study the motions of an infinitesimal mass in the Sitnikov four-body problem in which three equal oblate spheroids (called primaries) symmetrical in all respect, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. These primaries are moving in circular orbits around their common center of mass. The fourth infinitesimal mass is moving along a line perpendicular to the plane of motion of the primaries and passing through the center of mass of the primaries. A relation between the oblateness-parameter 'A' and the increased sides 'ε' of the equilateral triangle during the motion is established. We confine our attention to one particular value of oblateness-parameter A=0. 003. Only one stability region and 12 critical periodic orbits are found from which new three-dimensional families of symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate. 3-D families of symmetric periodic orbits, bifurcating from the 12 corresponding critical periodic orbits are determined. For A=0. 005, observation shows that the stability region is wider than for A=0. 003.
机译:我们研究了Sitnikov四体问题中无穷小质量的运动,在该问题中,在各个方面都对称的三个相等的扁球体(称为“原球”)被放置在等边三角形的顶点上。这些原色围绕它们共同的质心以圆形轨道运动。第四无穷小质量沿垂直于原色运动平面的线移动,并穿过原色质量中心。建立了扁度参数“ A”与运动过程中等边三角形的增加边“ε”之间的关系。我们将注意力集中在扁度参数A = 0的一个特定值上。 003.仅找到一个稳定区和12个关键周期轨道,从中分裂出对称周期轨道的新三维族。确定了从12个相应的关键周期性轨道分叉的3D对称周期性轨道族。对于A = 0。 005,观察表明稳定区域比A = 0宽。 003。



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