首页> 外文期刊>Astronomy reports >The asymmetry coefficient for interstellar scintillation of extragalactic radio sources

The asymmetry coefficient for interstellar scintillation of extragalactic radio sources


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Comparing the asymmetry coefficients gamma and scintillation indices m for observed time variations of the intensity of the radiation of extragalactic sources and the predictions of theoretical models is a good test of the nature of the observed variations. Such comparisons can be used to determine whether flux density variations are due to scintillation in the interstellar medium or are intrinsic to the source. In the former case, they can be used to estimate the fraction of the total flux contributed by the compact component (core) whose flux density variations are caused by inhomogeneities in the interstellar plasma. Results for the radio sources PKS 0405-385, B0917+624, PKS 1257-336, and J1819+3845 demonstrate that the scintillating component in these objects makes up from 50 to 100% of the total flux, and that the intrinsic angular sizes of the sources at 5 GHz are 10-40 microarcseconds. The characteristics of the medium giving rise to the scintillations are presented. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
机译:比较观测到的河外源辐射强度的时间变化的不对称系数γ和闪烁指数m以及理论模型的预测,是对观测到的变化的性质的良好检验。这样的比较可以用来确定通量密度变化是由于星际介质中的闪烁还是源固有的。在前一种情况下,它们可用于估算由致密成分(芯)贡献的总通量的比例,致密成分(芯)的通量密度变化是由星际等离子体的不均匀性引起的。无线电源PKS 0405-385,B0917 + 624,PKS 1257-336和J1819 + 3845的结果表明,这些物体中的闪烁分量占总通量的50%至100%,并且固有角尺寸为5 GHz时的源为10-40微弧秒。介绍了引起闪烁的介质的特性。 (c)2005年Pleiades Publishing,Inc.



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