首页> 外文期刊>Asia-Pacific journal of public health >Risk Factors of Future Smoking Among Thai Youth: A Secondary Analysis of the Thai Global Youth Tobacco Survey

Risk Factors of Future Smoking Among Thai Youth: A Secondary Analysis of the Thai Global Youth Tobacco Survey


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The study aimed to identify the risk factors for future smoking among Thai youth aged 13 to 15 years (seventh to ninth grade). Data from the nationally representative 2005 Thai Global Youth Tobacco Survey (n = 15 774) were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression. Among nonsmoking Thai youth, boys were much more likely to have intention of future smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 0.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.37-0.84). Younger youth were more likely to be cigarette smokers in the future (OR = 0.70, 95% CI = 0.56-0.88). Youth having the intention of smoking from a friend's cigarette offer were 5.29 times more likely to have intention of future smoking, compared with those who did not (95% CI = 3.75-7.46). Understanding and targeting youth at higher risk for future smoking can provide for a lowering of the youth smoking rate in Thailand and contribute to the country's continued efforts in effective youth tobacco control.
机译:该研究旨在确定13至15岁(七至九年级)泰国年轻人中将来吸烟的危险因素。使用描述性统计和逻辑回归分析了具有国家代表性的2005年泰国全球青年烟草调查(n = 15774)。在不吸烟的泰国青年中,男孩更倾向于将来吸烟(比值[OR] = 0.56,95%置信区间[CI] = 0.37-0.84)。年轻的年轻人将来更有可能吸烟(OR = 0.70,95%CI = 0.56-0.88)。与不吸烟的年轻人相比,有意从朋友的香烟中吸烟的年轻人有未来吸烟意愿的可能性是未吸烟者的5.29倍(95%CI = 3.75-7.46)。了解和针对未来吸烟风险较高的青年,可以降低泰国的青年吸烟率,并有助于该国继续努力进行有效的青年烟草控制。



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