首页> 外文期刊>Artificial Organs >Correlations between spiritual beliefs and health-related quality of life of chronic hemodialysis patients in Taiwan.

Correlations between spiritual beliefs and health-related quality of life of chronic hemodialysis patients in Taiwan.


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This study evaluated the correlations between spiritual beliefs and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of hemodialysis (HD) patients in Taiwan. Participants had to complete two questionnaires: the 36-item Short Form Health Survey Questionnaire and the Royal Free Interview for Spiritual and Religious Beliefs. They were then divided into three groups according to their strength of spiritual beliefs-having no, weak, or strong beliefs. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data among groups were compared. Correlations between spiritual beliefs and HRQOL were then determined by the analysis of covariance and the post hoc Scheffe tests. Six hundred thirty-three patients completed the study. There were more women in the group of patients with strong beliefs (P = 0.005) and more less-educated patients in the group of patients with weak beliefs (P = 0.005). Patients with no or with strong spiritual beliefs had higher role physical (P = 0.01) and social functioning (SF) (P = 0.001) scores than patients with weak beliefs. After adjustment for gender, age, marital status, education, comorbidities, and time on dialysis, patients with no or with strong spiritual beliefs were found to have higher SF scores (P = 0.02) than patients with weak beliefs. HD patients with no or strong spiritual beliefs had higher SF HRQOL than those with weak spiritual beliefs.
机译:这项研究评估了台湾血液透析(HD)患者的精神信仰与健康相关生活质量(HRQOL)之间的相关性。参加者必须填写两份问卷:36项简短健康调查问卷和关于精神信仰和宗教信仰的皇家免费访谈。然后根据他们的精神信仰的力量将他们分为三类-无,弱或强的信仰。比较人群之间的人口统计学,临床和实验室数据。然后通过协方差分析和事后Scheffe检验确定精神信仰与HRQOL之间的相关性。 633名患者完成了研究。信仰坚强的患者组中有更多的女性(P = 0.005),信仰坚弱的患者组中受过更多教育的患者(P = 0.005)。精神信仰较弱或没有精神信仰的患者比信仰较弱的患者具有更高的身体角色(P = 0.01)和社会功能(SF)(P = 0.001)得分。在对性别,年龄,婚姻状况,教育程度,合并症和透析时间进行了调整之后,发现无精神信仰或精神信仰较强的患者的SF评分(P = 0.02)比信仰较弱的患者更高。没有或没有强烈的精神信仰的HD患者的SF HRQOL高于没有或缺乏精神信仰的患者。



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