首页> 外文期刊>Artificial Organs >Feasibility of a Tiny Centrifugal Blood Pump (TinyPump) for Pediatric Extracorporeal Circulatory Support.

Feasibility of a Tiny Centrifugal Blood Pump (TinyPump) for Pediatric Extracorporeal Circulatory Support.


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In this study, the performances of the TinyPump (priming volume 5 mL) system including the pediatric cannulae (Stockert Pediatric Arterial Cannulae 2.6, 3.0, and 4.0 mm, Stockert Instruments GmbH, Munich, Germany; Polystan 20-Fr Venous Catheter, MAQUET GmbH, Rastatt, Germany) and an oxygenator (Terumo Capiox RX05 Baby-RX, Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Co., Tokyo, Japan) were studied in vitro followed with preliminary ex vivo studies in 20-kg piglets. In vitro results revealed that the TinyPump system met the requirements for pump speed, pump flow, and pressure drop as extracorporeal circulatory support during open heart surgery and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in pediatric patients. In 2-h ex vivo studies using 20-kg piglets where the blood contacting surface of the TinyPump was coated with a biocompatible phospholipid polymer, the plasma-free hemoglobin levels remained less than 5.0 mg/dL and no thrombus formation was observed inside the pump. The TinyPump system including the oxygenatorand connecting circuits resulted in an overall priming volume of 68 mL, the smallest ever reported. The TinyPump can be a safe option for pediatric circulatory support during open heart surgery and ECMO without requiring blood transfusion.
机译:在这项研究中,TinyPump(灌注体积为5 mL)系统的性能包括小儿插管(Stockert儿科动脉插管2.6、3.0和4.0 mm,Stockert Instruments GmbH,慕尼黑,德国; Polystan 20-Fr静脉导管,MAQUET GmbH)在德国拉施塔特(Rastatt)进行了体外研究,然后在20公斤的仔猪中进行了体外初步研究,然后在体外研究了充氧器(Terumo Capiox RX05 Baby-RX,Terumo心血管系统公司,日本东京)。体外研究结果表明,TinyPump系统满足了小儿患者在心脏直视手术和体外膜氧合(ECMO)期间作为体外循环支持的泵速,泵流量和压降的要求。在使用20公斤小猪进行2小时的离体研究中,其中TinyPump的血液接触表面涂有生物相容性磷脂聚合物,无血浆血红蛋白水平仍低于5.0 mg / dL,并且在泵内未观察到血栓形成。包括充氧器和连接电路的TinyPump系统的总灌注体积为68 mL,是有史以来最小的。 TinyPump可以是心脏直视手术和ECMO期间小儿循环支持的安全选择,而无需输血。



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