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GROWING PAIN: Ethiopia is pushing engineering education harder than any other country in Africa, creating challenges for its academics


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Ethiopia is the oldest nation in sub-Saharan Africa, but from the engineering dean's office at Adigrat University, everything seems terribly new and young - including its occupant. At the age of 30, Kiros Teklehaimanot has returned to his hometown, some 560 miles north of the capital, Addis Ababa, to hang his master s degree on the wall of a university so freshly built that the first engineers will only graduate next year. The slight, wide-eyed chemical engineer seems undaunted by the challenge that lies before him: The school he heads is already trying to educate more engineering students than UCLA or Berkeley. Within five years, enrollment is slated to surpass Americas largest engineering school. "Regardless of age," says Teklehaimanot, "if you have the commitment, the dream can be fulfilled."
机译:埃塞俄比亚是撒哈拉以南非洲最古老的国家,但是从阿迪格拉特大学工程系主任办公室来看,一切似乎都是新的和年轻的-包括居住者。 Kiros Teklehaimanot于30岁时回到他的故乡,位于首都亚的斯亚贝巴以北560英里处,将他的硕士学位挂在一所大学的墙壁上,这是一栋刚建成的大学,第一批工程师将在明年毕业。这位眼花slight乱的化学工程师似乎并不惧怕摆在他面前的挑战:他所领导的学校已经在尝试教育比UCLA或Berkeley多的工程专业学生。五年之内,入学人数将超过美洲最大的工程学校。 Teklehaimanot说:“无论年龄大小,只要您有承诺,梦想就可以实现。”



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