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Inflammatory findings on species extrapolations: Humans are definitely no 70-kg mice


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Modern toxicology has embraced in vitro methods, and major hopes are based on the Omics technologies and systems biology approaches they bring along (Hartung and McBride in ALTEX 28(2):83-93, 2011; Hartung et al. in ALTEX 29(2):119-28, 2012). A culture of stringent validation has been developed for such approaches (Leist et al. in ALTEX 27(4):309-317, 2010; ALTEX 29(4):373-88, 2012a; Toxicol Res 1:8-22, 2012b), while the quality and usefulness of animal experiments have been little scrutinized. A new study (Seok et al. 2013) now shows the low predictivity of animal responses in the field of inflammation. These findings corroborate earlier findings from comparisons in the fields of neurodegeneration, stroke and sepsis. The low predictivity of animal experiments in research areas allowing direct comparisons of mouse versus human data puts strong doubt on the usefulness of animal data as key technology to predict human safety.
机译:现代毒理学已经涵盖了体外方法,人们的主要希望是基于它们带来的Omics技术和系统生物学方法(Hartung和McBride在ALTEX 28(2):83-93中,2011年; Hartung等人在ALTEX 29(2)中):119-28,2012)。已针对此类方法开发了严格的验证文化(Leist等人在ALTEX 27(4):309-317,2010; ALTEX 29(4):373-88,2012a; Toxicol Res 1:8-22,2012b ),而对动物实验的质量和实用性却很少进行审查。一项新的研究(Seok等人,2013年)现在显示了炎症领域中动物反应的低预测性。这些发现证实了神经退行性变,中风和败血症领域中比较的早期发现。在研究领域中,由于动物实验的低预测性,无法直接比较鼠标数据和人类数据,这使人们强烈怀疑动物数据作为预测人类安全的关键技术是否有用。



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