首页> 外文期刊>Archives of microbiology >Expression of a functional NAD-reducing [NiFe] hydrogenase from the gram-positive Rhodococcus opacus in the gram-negative Ralstonia eutropha

Expression of a functional NAD-reducing [NiFe] hydrogenase from the gram-positive Rhodococcus opacus in the gram-negative Ralstonia eutropha


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The actinomycete Rhodococcus opacus MR11 harbors a bidirectional NAD-reducing [NiFe] hydrogenase (SH). This cytoplasmic enzyme is composed of two heterodimeric modules which catalyze distinct enzymatic activities. The hydrogenase moiety mediates H-2:benzyl viologen oxidoreductase activity and the FMN-containing diaphorase module displays NADH:benzyl viologen oxidoreductase activity. The SH of Rh. opacus resembles [NiFe] hydrogenases present in strains of the proteobacterium Ralstonia eutropha and in species of cyanobacteria. Heterologous expression of active [NiFe] hydrogenases failed in most cases due to protein-assisted maturation processes implicated in the assembly of the NiFe bimetallic site. This study reports on the construction of a recombinant plasmid harboring the four SH subunit genes hoxFUYH and the associated endopeptidase gene hoxW from Rh. opacus under the regime of the SH promoter from R. eutropha H16. The resulting recombinant plasmid restored lithoautotrophic growth in a R. eutropha mutant impaired in H-2-oxidizing ability. The SH of Rh. opacus was functionally active in R. eutropha and displayed the typical features described for its natural host. It readily dissociated in vitro into two active subforms. Dissociation was accompanied by the loss of the H-2-dependent NAD-reducing activity, which was partially reconstituted by addition of 5 MM MgSO4 and 0.5 mM NiCl2. Activity and stability of the SH from Rh. opacus were enhanced almost three-fold by co-overexpression of the SH-associated metal insertion genes hypA2B2F2 of R. eutropha. Under optimal conditions the heterologously expressed Rh. opacus SH catalyzed NAD-reduction at a specific activity of 1.7 units per mg protein, which is approximately 30% of the yield obtained for the R. eutropha SH. The results indicate that, despite an enormous phylogenetic distance of the two bacterial species, their SH proteins are highly related. [References: 36]
机译:放线菌不透明红球菌MR11具有双向NAD还原[NiFe]氢化酶(SH)。这种细胞质酶由两个异二聚体模块组成,可催化不同的酶活性。氢化酶部分介导H-2:苄基紫精氧化还原酶活性,而含FMN的心肌黄酶模块则显示NADH:苄基紫精氧化还原酶活性。 Rh的SH。欧波罗菌类似于在富营养性变形杆菌Ralstonia eutropha菌株和蓝细菌物种中存在的[NiFe]氢化酶。在大多数情况下,活性[NiFe]氢化酶的异源表达失败是由于涉及NiFe双金属位点组装的蛋白质辅助的成熟过程。这项研究报道了重组质粒的构建,该重组质粒包含来自Rh的四个SH亚基基因hoxFUYH和相关的内肽酶基因hoxW。富营养芽孢杆菌H16的SH启动子作用下的细菌所得重组质粒恢复了富营养的R. eutropha突变体的自养营养生长,该突变体的H-2-氧化能力受到了损害。 Rh的SH。 opacus在富营养罗非鱼中具有功能活性,并显示了其天然宿主所描述的典型特征。它很容易在体外解离为两种活性亚型。解离伴随着H-2依赖性NAD还原活性的丧失,其通过添加5MM MgSO 4和0.5mM NiCl 2而部分地重构。 Rh的SH的活性和稳定性。富营养的拟南芥SH相关金属插入基因hypA2B2F2的共过量表达可增加近3倍的Opacus。在最佳条件下,异源表达Rh。隐孢子虫SH催化NAD还原的活性为每毫克蛋白质1.7个单位,约为富营养罗汉果SH的30%。结果表明,尽管两种细菌的​​系统发育距离很大,但它们的SH蛋白高度相关。 [参考:36]



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