首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: A Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Connective Tissue Research >Association of bone attrition with knee pain, stiffness and disability: a cross-sectional study.

Association of bone attrition with knee pain, stiffness and disability: a cross-sectional study.


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OBJECTIVES: Bone pathologies as detected on MRI are associated with the presence of pain in knee osteoarthritis (OA). The authors examined whether bone attrition assessed on x-rays was associated with pain, stiffness and disability. METHODS: The authors analysed x-rays of 1326 knees with OA from 783 individuals participating in the cross-sectional population-based Somerset and Avon Survey of Health. The diagnosis of OA was defined by the presence of osteophytes in anteroposterior (AP) or lateral views. Bone attrition was graded from 0 (no attrition) to 3 (severe attrition >10 mm) and Kellgren and Lawrence (K/L) scores were assigned on AP views. Logistic regression models adjusted for gender, age, body mass index, effusion and K/L scores were used to determine whether bone attrition was associated with pain, stiffness and disability. RESULTS: Pain was reported in 84 knees (74%) with radiographic bone attrition compared with 505 (42%) without bone attrition (adjusted OR 2.22, 95% CI 1.29 to 3.80). The adjusted OR was increased for day pain but not for night pain (p for interaction <0.001). Stiffness was reported for 85 knees with bone attrition (75%) and 437 knees without (36%) (adjusted OR 3.23, 95% CI 1.85 to 5.64). Disability was reported by 40 individuals with bone attrition (50%) and 140 individuals without (24%) (adjusted OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.19 to 3.68). CONCLUSIONS: Bone attrition detected on conventional x-rays using a simple cheap technique is strongly associated with the presence of day pain, stiffness and disability in knee OA.
机译:目的:MRI检查发现的骨病变与膝骨关节炎(OA)疼痛的存在有关。作者检查了通过X射线评估的骨骼磨损是否与疼痛,僵硬和残疾有关。方法:作者分析了来自783名参加横断面人群萨默塞特和雅芳健康调查的个人的1326膝OA的X射线照片。骨关节炎的诊断是通过在前后或侧面观察是否存在骨赘来定义的。骨耗损从0(无耗损)到3(重度耗损> 10 mm)进行分级,并在AP视点上分配了Kellgren和Lawrence(K / L)评分。使用针对性别,年龄,体重指数,积液和K / L分数进行调整的Logistic回归模型来确定骨骼磨损是否与疼痛,僵硬和残疾相关。结果:放射学检查发现,有X线骨磨损的患者有84膝(74%)疼痛,而无骨磨损的患者为505(42%)(校正后OR为2.22,95%CI为1.29至3.80)。对于白天疼痛,调整后的OR升高,但对于夜间疼痛却没有升高(交互作用<0.001,p)。据报道,有85个膝盖骨磨损(75%)和437个无骨膝盖(36%)的僵硬(校正OR 3.23,95%CI 1.85至5.64)。据报告有40名骨磨损的人(50%)和140名无骨磨损的人(24%)(调整后的OR 2.09,95%CI 1.19至3.68)报告了残疾。结论:使用简单的廉价技术在常规X射线上检测到的骨耗损与膝骨关节炎中日间疼痛,僵硬和残疾的存在密切相关。



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