首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: A Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Connective Tissue Research >Genetic predisposition of the severity of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis: A population-based study

Genetic predisposition of the severity of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis: A population-based study


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Background: The susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is partly heritable, but whether the severity of RA is also influenced by genetics has not been determined. The evaluation of the heritability of the severity of RA is basic to further studies on genetic factors. A study was undertaken to determine whether joint destruction is heritable. Methods: Iceland has an unique comprehensive genealogy database covering today's population and stretching back to ≥1000 years ago, as well as genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism data for a large part of the population. Hand and feet x-rays of 325 Icelandic patients with RA were scored according to the Sharp-van der Heijde method. The degree of relatedness between patients was estimated in two ways: (1) kinship coefficients (KC) on the genealogical data were expressed; and (2) the identical-by-descent (IBD) was estimated applying long-range phasing of the genetic profile of the patients. The degree of relatedness was tested against the similarity in joint destruction rates by linear regression analysis and the heritability of joint destruction was calculated. Results: Significant associations between degree of relatedness and similarity in joint destruction rates were observed for both methods of determining relatedness (p KC=0.018, p IBD=0.003). The estimated heritability was 45% using KC and 58% using the estimated IBD data. Conclusions: The severity of joint destruction in RA is influenced by genetic factors.
机译:背景:类风湿性关节炎(RA)的易感性在一定程度上是可遗传的,但尚未确定RA的严重性是否也受遗传因素影响。 RA严重性的遗传性评估是进一步研究遗传因素的基础。进行了一项研究以确定联合破坏是否可遗传。方法:冰岛拥有一个独特的综合家谱数据库,该数据库涵盖了当今的人口并可以追溯到≥1000年前,以及大部分人口的全基因组单核苷酸多态性数据。根据Sharp-van der Heijde方法对325名冰岛RA患者的手和脚X光进行评分。估计患者之间的相关程度有两种方式:(1)表达家谱数据中的亲属系数(KC); (2)通过对患者遗传图谱进行远距离分期来估计相同血统(IBD)。通过线性回归分析,针对关节破坏率的相似性测试相关程度,并计算关节破坏的遗传力。结果:两种确定相关性的方法在关节破坏率的相似度和相似度之间均存在显着关联(p KC = 0.018,p IBD = 0.003)。使用KC估计的遗传度为45%,使用估计的IBD数据估计为58%。结论:RA关节破坏的严重程度受遗传因素影响。



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