首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Lead in Feathers and delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase Activity in Three Raptor Species from an Unpolluted Mediterranean Forest (Southeastern Spain).

Lead in Feathers and delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase Activity in Three Raptor Species from an Unpolluted Mediterranean Forest (Southeastern Spain).


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This paper presents the levels of lead found in the feathers of adult and blood of nestlings of booted eagle ( Hieraaetus pennatus), European buzzard ( Buteo buteo), and goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis) sampled in the 1999 and 2000 breeding seasons in a Mediterranean forest of the Province of Murcia (Southeastern Spain) located far from potential sources of metal contamination. Levels of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity (delta-ALAD) in blood were also measured in the nestlings. Lead concentrations ranged from 1.1 to 11.21 microg/dl in blood of nestlings and from 0.35 to 1.66 mg/kg d.w. in the feathers of their parents. A significant relationship was found between blood delta-ALAD and lead (rho = -568), showing a negative correlation with blood lead levels even at lead concentrations below 5 microg/dl. This fact suggests the usefulness of this enzymatic biomarker for low lead exposure in forest raptors. There were also positive relationships between the lead concentrations in blood of nestlings and those in feathers of their parents (rho = 0.817), suggesting the usefulness of feathers for biomonitoring environmental exposure to lead. RID="" ID="" Correspondence to: Dr. Antonio J. García-Fernández, Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, Spain; email: ajgf@um.es
机译:本文介绍了在1999年和2000年繁殖季节在地中海森林中采样的成年雄鹰和雏鹰的血中所含铅的含量,其中有雏鹰(Hieraaetus pennatus),欧洲秃鹰(Buteo buteo)和苍鹰(Accipiter gentilis)采样穆尔西亚省(西班牙东南部)的地理位置远不及潜在的金属污染源。还测量了雏鸟血液中的δ-氨基乙酰丙酸脱水酶活性(δ-ALAD)水平。雏鸟血液中的铅浓度范围为1.1至11.21 microg / dl,d.w为0.35至1.66 mg / kgd.w。在他们父母的羽毛中。发现血液δ-ALAD与铅之间存在显着关系(rho = -568),即使在铅浓度低于5 microg / dl时,也显示与血铅水平呈负相关。这一事实表明,这种酶促生物标记物对于森林猛禽中低铅暴露的有用性。雏鸟的血液和其父母的羽毛中的铅浓度之间也存在正相关(rho = 0.817),这表明羽毛可用于生物监测环境对铅的暴露。 RID =“” ID =“” 对应于:穆尔西亚大学兽医学院毒理学系Antonio J.García-Fernández博士,校园位于Espinardo,30100西班牙穆尔西亚; 电子邮件: ajgf@um.es



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