首页> 外文期刊>Arab Oil & Gas Magazine >Al Amir SE-1 Well Drilled by Vegas/Circle Oil/Premier Oil Flowed at 3,388 B/D of Oil and 4.25 Million Cu Ft/Day of Gas

Al Amir SE-1 Well Drilled by Vegas/Circle Oil/Premier Oil Flowed at 3,388 B/D of Oil and 4.25 Million Cu Ft/Day of Gas

机译:拉斯维加斯钻探的Al Amir SE-1井/循环油/优质油以3,388桶/日的石油和425万立方英尺/日的天然气流量

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The Al Amir SE-1 well drilled on the onshore North West Gemsa tract resulted in a discovery in the Kareem sandstone formation, yielding a test flow of 3,388 b/d of 41° API crude and 4.25 million cu ft/day of natural gas through a 64/64-inch choke. The well, which was deviated after operational problems, is in the course of being completed as a potential -producer. Work has started on a technical evaluation of all the well data to enable the discovery to be appraised. The structure's reserves are also in the course of being evaluated.
机译:在西北Gemsa陆上管道上钻探的Al Amir SE-1井在Kareem砂岩地层中发现,产生了3388桶/天的41°API原油和425万立方英尺/天的天然气测试流量。一个64/64英寸的扼流圈由于操作问题而偏离的油井正在作为潜在的生产商进行完工。对所有油井数据进行技术评估的工作已经开始,以便对发现进行评估。该结构的储量也在评估中。



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